Your Personal Legacy

Spring Solstice

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: asks us to think back to those that have gone before us and focus on what we remember most about them.  Was it their kindness, their deeds, their possessions or their love?  Each generation leaves a legacy of life lessons for the ones that remain, and it is important for us to be respectful of their choices as we in turn make our own.

Each challenge that we face in life is an opportunity to make sure that we are in a place of integrity and alignment with our souls purpose.  Sometimes that requires us to do or say things that may feel unloving, kind or fair, but at the end of the journey we will realize that it was actually a necessary blessing in disguise.  The need to judge or fear our loved ones must evolve if we are going to transcend the old ways and give birth to the new reality of heaven on earth.

With all of the challenges we are going through, have gone through and potentially will go through, what is the ONE THING we want people to remember about us?  Making this choice and decision, may affect the very core of our being and shift things back into alignment that have been out of balance for many generations.  Never be afraid to ask yourself ‘what is my best quality, and how can it help me here’.

PAST= the illusions of many generations and lifetimes of unloving research
PRESENT= the reality of what we are facing and clearing today that improves tomorrow
FUTURE= the consciousness of mankind returning to balance and order aligned to love

How Energy Evolves

The Essence Of Nature

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us understand some of the intensity of what is going on these days.  Each and every soul on this planet is now fully aware that there are new vibrations moving through and awakening us to a higher level of frequency.  The sun, the moon, the planets, the stars and even the black holes are making shifts in consciousness.

With each inhale/exhale of the planet, we are moving ever closer to the pivotal moment where there is no going back.  The tide has turned, the sand has filled the hour glass and the game of karma has ended.  Now the new reality is poised in position to draw us into the game of life that comes from what we have learned.  Peace will prevail, and love will rise higher while penetrating deeper than ever before.

You cannot hide yourself from these truths any longer, and to align willingly to the flow of love will bring such peace and joy to the whole of humanity.  Tis the season to be blessed.

EXPOSURE= truth revealed
EXPRESSION= truth spoken
EXPERIENCE= truth lived
EXPANSION= truth evolved

Full Moon Dreaming

The Real Me

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to shine our inner light in a brighter way today.  Let go of the veils of illusion, the layers of deception, the reasons for living a less than loving life.  In these times of great changes, it is easy to try and ignore the blatant messages that keep surfacing for us to view and review.

As the images of our inner soul are being captured for our mind and emotions to witness, we have a choice to either pay attention to them, or to ignore them until they are so blown out of proportion we cannot miss them.  If you are not allowing the clearing of your conscience to take place, then chances are you are repeating some very intense patterns and programs that are filled with the full moon version of what you are meant to learn.

Stand back from each situation and view it from the place of where the moon stands in the stillness of the sky.  The horizon of your problems will shift and change, ebb and wane, rise and fall with every breath you take.  Let the rhythm of this motion bring into focus your most sacred self and allow the truth to be reflected to you in a very powerful way.

FULL MOON= a spot light that shines on you
FULL FEELING= a feeling that rises from within you
FULL VIEW= a revelation that awakens you
FULFILLED= a state of grace that defines you