Eclipse Essence & Energy

Essence & Energy

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: draws back the veils of illusion and lets us have a glimpse of glory beyond what we have been witnessing these days.  It is a time where we are able to view the inner power of our soul in alignment with the powerful rays of the Celestial Sun.  All around the darkness we have been living in, is a glow of light and love that transcends all obstacles in it is way.

The power of inner peace and tranquility will change the course of history through it’s relentless beams of essence and energy.  The essence represents the heavenly bodies of the divine feminine and the energy represents the rays of hope that bring new alignments to our collective consciousness in the way of insights and inspiration.

As you stand in the light of your own shadow today while the eclipse is moving us through a new part of the universe, give thanks, be grateful, but most of all be gracious as not everyone is awake and aware.  Use the new levels of compassion and caring for ourselves and each other as a beacon of light for those who still travel the shadows of the past.

GIVING= a willingness to share abundance
GRATEFUL= a willingness to receive abundance
GRATITUDE= a willingness to honour abundance
GRACIOUS= a willingness to embrace abundance

Conscious & Unconscious DNA Shift

DNA Shift

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that there is a lot going on inside and out.  The world around us is reflecting what is taking place within us.  Our world is changing in miraculous ways although the illusion is, that it is actually worse than ever.  The truth is that we must be willing to go through all of the layers of imbalances in order to restore a sense of balance.

Our encoded DNA holds the blueprint for the new reality.  Somehow we are drawing into our experience the challenges we require to make the changes and shifts that are vitally important for our new world.  Each time we let go of the old ways, we leave a space and a place for the new to be birthed.  Doing this consciously is the art of mastery where we intentionally bring into being a new way of living.

From the shadows comes the light in all its radiant glory.  Like the dawn of a new day, the rays of light begin to crest the horizon of our world and we awaken to the truth of what is real and what is not.  By midday or mid transformation there will be enough conscious creators to manifest the final phase of the shift.  Those that resist will be released from this world and given a place where they can continue their chaos in another dimension.

UNCONSCIOUS= the changes we are withholding and resisting (past)
CONSCIOUS= the changes we are awakening to and aware of (present)
SUPERCONSCIOUS= the changes that are destined to be no matter what (future)

Face Your Fear ~ Feel The Freedom

Face Your Fear

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to continue to take a close look at whatever fear may still be stirring up the internal vibrations of our soul self.  This is an important part of shedding way old patterns, programs and habits.  Our fears are designed to help us discover where we are out of balance and ultimately out of sorts.

Facing your fear can take a lot of courage – but that is the point of it all, to discover just how much courage you have.  The challenging part of courage is – it only works if you use it!  At some point you must learn to trust if fear is standing right in front of you, it is not to deny you your blessings, but to challenge you to allow them into your life.  As long as you resist your blessings, you will not benefit from them.

FACE= the art of owning and accepting your inner feelings
FEAR= the shadow side of self that likes to challenges us to grow
FAITH= the fearless side that steps in to set us free
FREEDOM= the ultimate reward of blessings & benefits that courage brings