TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reveals the phase of transformation we have entered into as the energy field is being charged with the light of creation. You can feel the difference in the energy and it is even evident in the colour of our sun that has gone from a very pale yellow glow – to a bright blue/white intensity.
That same intensity is bringing up our inner layers of unresolved fear and judgment for us to review and release as it is no longer required to use it as a way of perceiving life or each other. Judgment is the root source of our fear and where there is fear there is further judgment of self and others. The time of this karmic illusion has come to completion but it is still up to each of us to resolve our differences and dissolve our illusions once and for all. There is an evolution we grow through that helps us awaken fully.
JUDGMENT= the part of our human nature that feels compelled to weigh, measure and categorize our differences. This has led us to many wars and disagreements between us as individuals on a path of discovery. Where there is a fear of failure – there is a need to judge and compare ourselves.
FEAR= the feeling that comes from feeling like a failure or feeling that we have not measured up to some level of expectation. This is the most damaging illusion a soul can carry in their heart. We are in every state of being a perfection borne of intention. We are flawed by design and that is what makes the human journey so intricate and fascinating.
FORGIVENESS= a state of grace where we begin to awaken to the realization we are perfect in every way – in every stage and phase of our human experience. We are following a master plan that involves being released of all our transgressions and beliefs that are merely illusions of limitation. We are forgiven before we come here, knowing we will need it to finish the game of karma and set our souls free. When we no longer judge – we are truly in a state of balance through the art of forgiveness.
FAITH= the acceptance of self in relation to others – that part of us that truly recognizes that we are always protected, especially when rejected and return to our belief that we were ejected out of the heart of creation. We were given the free will to come and go. We are here because we requested the emotional roller coaster free will ride that has kept us imprisoned in our own fear until now. We are genuinely equal souls as part of the cosmic whole of creation. Even the source of creation known as God and by many other names is incomplete without each and every one of us existing.