And A Little Child Shall Lead Them Home

Maternal Blessings

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: brings home the truth about ourselves and our loved ones when it comes to gifts and giving.  This year for Christmas, we decided to provide our grandchildren with newer updated toys for when they come to visit.  They had reached the age where the other toys were too young and therefore not inspiring for them to play with when they come to visit.

Our idea of not giving them directly to the kids was so they would not feel they had to take them home after opening them on Christmas Eve.  That would be a very hard thing for them to understand, so we came up with a plan to gift them to each other.  I gave Grampa a box containing 5 sets of lego blocks that would inspire hours of creative play and interaction with all his grandkids – and Grampa gave me a box filled with 8 different barbie dolls complete with extra clothes and accessories.

How did we know, that this would be a disappointment to the grandkids!  They looked at their usual gift of pyjamas and slippers along with a stuffed animal puppy to enjoy cuddling as they went home to get ready for Santa, and said ‘Is that all there is?”  This was an unexpected disappointment on both sides.  We were sure they would appreciate all the new things that they could experience when they came to visit us – but they were looking at what they would be taking home and their eyes said it all.

So in my conversation with Source before bed, I asked – ‘Why are we always such a disappointment to our children and grandchildren?”  And the unexpected answer came back – ” Now you know how I feel.  I answer prayers, assist recoveries, inspire blessings and a multitude of other miraculous events to all of my beloved creations, and they still seem to be searching for more . . . and some are even disappointed with what they got.”

DISAPPOINTMENT= not receiving what we thought we deserved
DISCOURAGEMENT= feeling we will never get what we deserve
DISPARAGEMENT= not understanding what we truly desire

The Greatest Gift Of All –

Honour Traditions

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: honours the traditions of many cultures and religions as we all strive impart the same messages of hope and peace this time of year.  We are all formed by the same sacred light of creation, and at some point will accept we are all one.  It can be challenging to acknowledge each others differences, but in the end it those same differences that make us unique and inspirational pieces of the cosmic puzzle called life.

In the days drawing near to the celebration of peace and the concept of giving, let us consider the offering the greatest gift of all. The gift that each of us deserves to have and to share both from within ourselves, and within the hearts of humanity that we share this great planet with – that gift is forgiveness.  For – giving – without conditions or expectations.

FORGIVENESS= to give without conditions or exceptions
FORGIVING= to give freely of ones own heart and soul
FORGIVEN= to be free of judgment or criticism

Magical Moments

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: whispers the words of love and adoration that comes from within the sacredness of each heart.  In these holy days and celestial events, we are reminded that we are travellers from far away places and have come here to bring hope and peace to a troubled planet.  Each and every heart has the capacity to hold onto the original love that we are given so that we may share it in a limitless way.

This vessel we call the heart has many functions and purposes that allow us to be and become so much more than we have been able to imagine this far.  We have the ability to love and learn while the beating of our physical heart is keeping us healthy and well.  This same vessel has the ability to withstand brokenness and betrayal and yet it still finds the courage and the strength to forgive.

Our hearts have the capacity to withstand all things that life would challenge us with and as it keeps on beating, blessing and loving us through these moments we evolve and grow ever stronger and wiser.  Let us use that wisdom peacefully to encourage each other.

How precious is our heart when we are able to bless and release all the hurt it holds inside.

FULL MOON= the reflection of light both day & night
FULL HEART= the power to love in darkness & light
FULL BLESSINGS= the expansion of love & Divine insight