TODAY’S LIFE LESSON – invites us to take a closer look at how we view our world and what limitations we may be placing on the challenges we have so passionately manifested for ourselves.  We create these lessons to learn from but when we have completed them, it is time to release them into the vibrational field for renewal and updating.

Each time we cross a line where we have not been before, it sets off all kinds of alarms, concerns, fears, judgments and worries about our security, safety and survival.  This is part of our own instincts that helps us determine if we are ready to evolve, or decide to go another round with our karmic circle . . . or some would call it circus.

BURDENS= what we carry forward as guilt, shame, blame
BOUNDARIES= the lines we draw to define ourselves in relation to others
BARRIERS= illusions we support that keep us limited until we are ready to grow
BLOCKS=  traumas that we use to anchor ourselves in the past
BELIEFS=  programs and patterns that we hold in our memories










TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the intention that we are here to learn so many life lessons through trial and error, falling down and getting up, the pendulum of moving forward and then seemingly being knocked backwards . . . it is all an ingenious process for us to learn about the various and sometimes endless conditions that a human soul can experience in their lifetime.

Each life lesson is recorded within our soul system to remind us of where we have been, what we have learned and where we need to move forward to from there.  No life lesson is an absolute.  The only thing we know for sure, is that once we have been there and done that, the next logical step should be to move in a different direction which should improve the outcome in some beneficial way.

Well logic is very different than emotion.  Logic is very linear and black and white . . . the full spectrum of emotions tend to anchor themselves to an experience and then replay it over and over again until we are very clear that is not where we want to be, or who we want to be if we are going to grow or change.  Emotions can be distractions that keep us from being clear or certain about what we are really trying to accomplish.  Feelings – well they are basic and simple:  MAD, SAD, BAD, GLAD no confusion there, only anger, hurt, guilt or happiness to choose from.

Once we have researched all the ‘conditions’ that life can throw our way, then we have all of the understanding, compassion and empathy that we need to have patience, tolerance and acceptance for others who are still going through the process.  This is how we achieve the state of unconditional love called grace.

CONDITIONAL LOVE= the use of judgment and fear to express ourselves and explore the world as a unique soul seeking perfection.
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE= the state of grace where you are perfectly at peace with being an imperfect human, but loving yourself and others anyway.



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: acknowledges that we are far enough awake and aware to realize the what happens to one of us can happen to all of us.  What is tolerated in one area can be duplicated in another – and what is accepted as normal will set the standard by which all other standards are raised or lowered.

The experiences of our indigenous peoples have taught us to be willing to take a stand for what is morally, ethically and spiritually true by peacefully holding space while the tides of fury are all around.  The most powerful way of ending an era of imbalances, unfairness and a blatant disregard for fairness is to simply lay down our swords and arrows and hold a silent vigil for peace.  The least amount of resistance, with the highest level of integrity.

Our hearts and kindred spirit goes out to the souls who have stood their ground and held their space even though they have been persecuted, beaten, shot and harmed – they stand by their faith and hold the space.  May there be more of us willing to do just that!

HEAD= the wisdom we carry through many trials and tribulations
HEART= the truth about balance and consciously choosing it
HEARTH= the space and place we call home where we face our foes and fears with faith.