TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: offers us so many opportunities and options when it comes to making choices and decisions.  It is more important than ever to be in touch with our inner spirit where all things divine and aligned are waiting for us to enter.  Think of each door as a possibility that can take you from where you are . . . to where you are meant to be at a higher level of consciousness with a deeper connection to Source.  Each time we go beyond our comfort zone, and challenge ourselves to achieve or accomplish something that we fear, we break through limitations and lack to expand into a new realm of living.

There are always certain ideas or feelings that we might have that keep us limited or small in our beliefs.  These are the doors that are the most challenging to face never mind enter into.  Our sense of ‘what if’ can get the better of us and talk us out of more than we are convinced we can do.  But ‘what if’ the very blessing we are seeking or the very idea we have been chasing is on the other side of that door waiting for us to discover it?

The more we stress over the idea or commitment to this level of change, the more unhappy we become.  This sense of despair is usually in direct proportion to the urgency of why we HAVE TO go through the door if we will ever find a sense of peace and contentment or happiness.  If it is something you think about all the time and even dream about it, or something you react to all the time, then it MUST BE TIME to go through that door.  After all . . . what is the worst that can happen?  If you can’t think of anything that is unacceptable, or unachievable then here is your moment and your confirmation to go ahead and DO IT.  It offers you the most incredible sense of freedom and empowerment and a whole new view on how you  live life.

THINK IT= when you can’t stop thinking about something
DREAM IT= when you deeply desire it to the point it shows up in your dreams
DO IT= when you finally say OK and walk through that door of limitation or fear


Today’s Life Lesson: encourages us to take a very close look at the things we are committed to.  Whether it is people, things, outcomes or goals, none of it matters if you do not have the courage it takes to complete it.  The simple act of having a good idea is enough to inspire us to create something our heart is passionate about.  But the process itself can be quite time consuming and exhausting as we dive into the logistics of making it happen.

Commitment takes courage . . . there is no doubt that we must draw from every part of our being in order to create something that feels worthwhile, satisfying or inspiring.  To only dream the dream and not live the life it brings is what makes us feel unhappy, sad or incomplete until we get to the place where we make a choice.  Facing the inner dragons of destruction, disillusionment and distraction are all a part of what we must face in this manifestation journey.  Each of them will challenge you to look more deeply at your perception, your intentions and your self worth as you go through the process.

Courage takes commitment . . . you can’t start something and not finish it and feel like you are accomplishing something worthwhile.  Most of us are great starters, but when the challenges come we fall down and give up, or walk away and follow another idea the floats by which ends up in the same file of incomplete goals and dreams.  This is the most frustrating and disheartening thing we repeatedly do to ourselves and then wonder why we are unhappy!

Completion of a goal or a dream, is very empowering.  It is where we begin to trust that we are not only capable of imagining great things for ourselves, but that we are also quite capable of manifesting them.  This takes practice, time and effort, but is well worth the sweat equity when the moment finally arrives and we see our dream in action or in reality.  There is no greater feeling for the soul to experience when it comes to living in a state of empowered, conscious creation.  That is what we are designed and destined to do. When we don’t complete our dreams and desires, we end up living in a world of chaos and pain that challenges us to finish what we started.

COURAGE= the inner strength we each have to draw from in every moment
COMMITMENT= the desire to stay the course and not get distracted or disillusioned along the way
COMPLETION= the moment when it all comes together and reveals your deepest desire to manifest your dreams


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: speaks to us about our own inner dialogue and conversation that is going on in each moment.  If we are occupying our thoughts and mind on the past and all its complications, disappointments and challenges, then we are not able to live in the current moment and find a real sense of happiness.  If we are preoccupied with the future and how it maybe, might be, could be or should be a certain way in order for us to be happy, then we have also missed the current moment when that can be manifested.

Holding on to the vision of what we deserve and desire in this exact moment is the only way we can change our programming and embrace our happiness from within.  Happy happens here . . . now, in this moment, inside our hearts and minds and emotional energy field.  Now is the the only time we have to make the changes we need.  The mind focused on now, the emotions responding to the idea that your mind has now and the perception that we are happy connects all of the energies together to manifest what comes next. This applies to our inner and outer voice.

Here is a little statement that spirit has given me to work with so I am sharing it with you: