TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reveals the process we go through in life to discover our destiny.  We are guided through the maze of options and opportunities to learn, grow and remember what we already know within our soul.  This process can be uplifting or devastating, depending on what the lesson/blessing is.  Once we realize what our own process is like and discover there is a rhythm and flow to it, we can move through the life lessons with more grace and ease.  The goal is to surrender to the lesson so it becomes the blessing it was designed to be.

Here are some of the steps we can go through as part of the normal energetic programs and patterns we have pre-selected to experience before incarnating.  Knowing we have set these obstacles/goals in front of ourselves helps us realize where there is a prior inspiration/idea/image we once held, it is inevitable we will keep returning to it until we have completed the purpose of what it is teaching us and why we chose it!

MESSENGER= the image or inspiration that is given to us at the perfect moment we are ready to enter into an adventure of discovery.  The messenger can come in many forms like dreams, daydreams, meditative viewing, music, words that others share both uplifting or hurtful (both can trigger a life lesson experience).  The messengers purpose is to deliver the wake up call and invite you to enter into the dance of discovery, with the intent to make it all the way through to a place of revelation.

MESS= the energetic quantum field where we initiate contact with what is needed to succeed in learning or remembering our life lesson.  This mess will usually come in the form of a conflict, a situation where fear is inhibiting our progress, or a judgment stands in the way of us discovering a very important truth about ourselves.  The ‘mess’ is what keeps us cycling through the illusion while we believe somewhere inside we are doing the right thing, and seeking the best outcome.  When the ‘mess’ gets ‘messy’ most souls fall down and surrender to the situation until it is clear which way we need to move to find our way out.  This can take minutes, hours, days, weeks or even years, depending on the level of challenge it presents us with.

MESSAGE= the discovery of what the lesson/blessing is all about.  That ah ha moment when it all comes together and clicks into place.  A revelation of truth along with a purpose and sense of completion that every soul enjoys arriving at.  This is the place where the pieces of your cosmic puzzle come together and fit beautifully in place.  It doesn’t matter that the image or picture might be abstract or blurry to begin with.  Sooner or later when all of the steps have been completed and our awareness is fully engaged the whole life lesson becomes CRYSTAL CLEAR.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: is a moment where I realized that I have a gift for creating through my imagination that has given me so many wonderful things to share. It has been a part of my life since this version of my being began. In some moments it has been a comforting and creative blessing while in other moments it can be a burden that breaks my heart so it can grown again.

Each of us have the ability to receive the information available to the collective consciousness. It is not an exclusive group or culture that has access to it. We all have the ability – but only some will trust it enough to make it the main focus of our daily living. For those who are visionaries, dreamers and designers it is the very breath of life that makes us whole

IMAGINATION= is the ability to see with our inner vision the possibilities and potential that is available to create anything our soul can envision.

MESSAGES= that part of the process where it fills in the details about how our soul might enjoy, benefit and be blessed by creating something to share with the world. Often this is a two edged sword. Some will embrace our gifts and others will judge them. Either way we are still required to bring them to life so that others can learn something from the event. Messages are an important part of the puzzle, but without the images . . . they are just words.

IMAGES= that part of the imagination that fills in the details about how to go about manifesting something. Information without passion is just a source of frustration in the world of creativity. It takes a dedicated visionary to take the message and the image that comes with it and bring it all together into a manifestation to share . . . creating it is only half the fun, sharing it where it becomes an unmeasurable blessing. We will never know how many lives it touches or changes . . . we are simply the MESSENGER who gives it life.

Everything I need is a SEED

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: In my meditation time today I journeyed to my Sacred Sanctuary where I get to see all the things that are happening, or about to happen in my life. As I entered into my sacred space I stood in the centre of the sphere of energy and asked to be shown what Read More


In my meditation time today I journeyed to my Sacred Sanctuary where I get to see all the things that are happening, or about to happen in my life.

As I entered into my sacred space I stood in the centre of the sphere of energy and asked to be shown what happiness looks like. My life has not had a lot of happiness in it and I wanted to get a sense of what that might look like and feel like so I could be more aligned to the energy of it. The keys to a fulfilled life include the ability to be HAPPY~HEALTHY~WORTHY~WEALTHY.

To my pleasure and enjoyment, I was instantly standing in the centre of a huge sunflower. I was impeded in the face as one of the seeds and all around me were endless seeds and beautiful soft vibrant yellow petals. The size was enormous and might even be described as endless. I felt the welcoming energy of abundance and the connection to Mother Nature and how she provides everything I need in life.

Her gentle voice could be heard inside my being as she softly said look at all the seeds of possibilities and opportunities you have before you. In each and every seed there is a gift to meet your needs. You have endless gifts and abilities that you are able to share with the world but inside your own soul there is a hole that needs to be filled with love. You are the image of perfection just as you are – exactly the way you are.

Nothing needs to be changed other than your willingness to allow the vastness of the universe to have unlimited flow through your being. This is the gift that comes with being a creation of light. Your life is blessed with all the things you have envisioned and dreamed of. Learn to dream bigger and allow the light of love and creation to experience life through you in miraculous ways.

SOURCE= the infinite power of love that creates everything there is
SUNFLOWER= the face of love that provides inspiration and opportunity
SEEDS= the gift of love that is inside every dream and desire I experience