TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: is a moment where I realized that I have a gift for creating through my imagination that has given me so many wonderful things to share. It has been a part of my life since this version of my being began. In some moments it has been a comforting and creative blessing while in other moments it can be a burden that breaks my heart so it can grown again.

Each of us have the ability to receive the information available to the collective consciousness. It is not an exclusive group or culture that has access to it. We all have the ability – but only some will trust it enough to make it the main focus of our daily living. For those who are visionaries, dreamers and designers it is the very breath of life that makes us whole

IMAGINATION= is the ability to see with our inner vision the possibilities and potential that is available to create anything our soul can envision.

MESSAGES= that part of the process where it fills in the details about how our soul might enjoy, benefit and be blessed by creating something to share with the world. Often this is a two edged sword. Some will embrace our gifts and others will judge them. Either way we are still required to bring them to life so that others can learn something from the event. Messages are an important part of the puzzle, but without the images . . . they are just words.

IMAGES= that part of the imagination that fills in the details about how to go about manifesting something. Information without passion is just a source of frustration in the world of creativity. It takes a dedicated visionary to take the message and the image that comes with it and bring it all together into a manifestation to share . . . creating it is only half the fun, sharing it where it becomes an unmeasurable blessing. We will never know how many lives it touches or changes . . . we are simply the MESSENGER who gives it life.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to take a look at how much fun we are having.  When was the last time you did something just for the fun of it?  Not to accomplish something specific, not to do something out of boredom, not to fill time because that was better than nothing, just a real good sense of having something to do that nourished your soul?  So much of our daily life now is scheduled beyond what we can fit in.  The busyness of life has taken over the quality of life and given it a stress level that none of us can keep up with.  So what is fun?

Remember when you had time to just day dream?  and out of that daydream came the simple ideas of making a difference, or creating something special?  Can you remember how it felt to just be in the moment with all kinds of time to let it develop like an old photo?  Our digital age has taken away so much of the process we used to go through to ‘develop’ something worthwhile and feel so proud of ourselves and what we were able to create out of a simple idea.  Well maybe it time to give ourselves the luxury of doing that more often.

Having time, planning time and making time is something we need to do more often if we want to feel in anyway contented or fulfilled in our lives.  Perhaps the first step to that project is to revisit some of the dreams you had when you were younger.  Ideas you were passionate about, or things that you were so convince you would be able to achieve but have not made the time for them to be realized are still awaiting your heart to follow that path.

IDEAS= the simple pleasures of knowing we can create something special
DREAMS= the unreal world that helps us bring our ideas into reality
IMAGINATION= the inner child and its unending desire to make something where there is nothing
PASSION= the deep inner desire to complete and fulfill our true purpose that drives us forward to achieve


Today’s Life Lesson: encourages us to take a very close look at the things we are committed to.  Whether it is people, things, outcomes or goals, none of it matters if you do not have the courage it takes to complete it.  The simple act of having a good idea is enough to inspire us to create something our heart is passionate about.  But the process itself can be quite time consuming and exhausting as we dive into the logistics of making it happen.

Commitment takes courage . . . there is no doubt that we must draw from every part of our being in order to create something that feels worthwhile, satisfying or inspiring.  To only dream the dream and not live the life it brings is what makes us feel unhappy, sad or incomplete until we get to the place where we make a choice.  Facing the inner dragons of destruction, disillusionment and distraction are all a part of what we must face in this manifestation journey.  Each of them will challenge you to look more deeply at your perception, your intentions and your self worth as you go through the process.

Courage takes commitment . . . you can’t start something and not finish it and feel like you are accomplishing something worthwhile.  Most of us are great starters, but when the challenges come we fall down and give up, or walk away and follow another idea the floats by which ends up in the same file of incomplete goals and dreams.  This is the most frustrating and disheartening thing we repeatedly do to ourselves and then wonder why we are unhappy!

Completion of a goal or a dream, is very empowering.  It is where we begin to trust that we are not only capable of imagining great things for ourselves, but that we are also quite capable of manifesting them.  This takes practice, time and effort, but is well worth the sweat equity when the moment finally arrives and we see our dream in action or in reality.  There is no greater feeling for the soul to experience when it comes to living in a state of empowered, conscious creation.  That is what we are designed and destined to do. When we don’t complete our dreams and desires, we end up living in a world of chaos and pain that challenges us to finish what we started.

COURAGE= the inner strength we each have to draw from in every moment
COMMITMENT= the desire to stay the course and not get distracted or disillusioned along the way
COMPLETION= the moment when it all comes together and reveals your deepest desire to manifest your dreams