TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: offers us so many opportunities and options when it comes to making choices and decisions.  It is more important than ever to be in touch with our inner spirit where all things divine and aligned are waiting for us to enter.  Think of each door as a possibility that can take you from where you are . . . to where you are meant to be at a higher level of consciousness with a deeper connection to Source.  Each time we go beyond our comfort zone, and challenge ourselves to achieve or accomplish something that we fear, we break through limitations and lack to expand into a new realm of living.

There are always certain ideas or feelings that we might have that keep us limited or small in our beliefs.  These are the doors that are the most challenging to face never mind enter into.  Our sense of ‘what if’ can get the better of us and talk us out of more than we are convinced we can do.  But ‘what if’ the very blessing we are seeking or the very idea we have been chasing is on the other side of that door waiting for us to discover it?

The more we stress over the idea or commitment to this level of change, the more unhappy we become.  This sense of despair is usually in direct proportion to the urgency of why we HAVE TO go through the door if we will ever find a sense of peace and contentment or happiness.  If it is something you think about all the time and even dream about it, or something you react to all the time, then it MUST BE TIME to go through that door.  After all . . . what is the worst that can happen?  If you can’t think of anything that is unacceptable, or unachievable then here is your moment and your confirmation to go ahead and DO IT.  It offers you the most incredible sense of freedom and empowerment and a whole new view on how you  live life.

THINK IT= when you can’t stop thinking about something
DREAM IT= when you deeply desire it to the point it shows up in your dreams
DO IT= when you finally say OK and walk through that door of limitation or fear


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON:  helps us dive deeper into the inner world of our emotions and how we can use them to help SOLVE our most elusive challenges in life.  The closer we get to RESOLVE them, the more intense our issues will be.  The more we ignore our issues . . . the more complex they will become.  So it is vitally important in these trying times, to keep our hearts and minds open to what our emotions are revealing to us – even if we don’t like them, or should we say ESPECIALLY if we don’t like them.

To every challenge there is a SOLUTION.  We as grand creators and manifestos, have the answer to every question we have ever thought of.  It is part of what makes life such an amazing mystery to be solved.  The closer we get to having the answer, the more we tend to avoid asking the question of ourselves or others.  The more we avoid asking . . . the louder the voice becomes in our inner realms of truth.  It comes to that moment when we either surrender ourselves to the feeling and then experience the revealing of our truth, or we go right through the walls of illusion and head straight for the purest of intentions where we are awarded the complete RESOLUTION to what we are struggling with.

SOLVE= the challenge to find answers from within
RESOLVE= the experience of discovering the answer
SOLUTION= what the question challenges us to find
RESOLUTION= what the answer offers us to feel complete


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to take a closer look at how we process our information and determine what direction we will take as a result of how we react.  It is so easy just to instinctively reject what is being said or heard because it makes us uncomfortable.  But when you realize that within that discomfort there is a truth trying to surface into your awareness  that can help you resolve some of your inner battles, it is worth taking an extra moment to engage in seeing it differently.

We do not react to things that are not the truth.  We are clearly able to dismiss it and not let it rock our world, or mess with our mind.  When there is an element of truth to something, our inner reactor can go off and it becomes a point of focus or conversation.  The true art of listening allows us to take the comment in and turn it around in different ways to see what part of it is ringing our bells or triggering our reactions.  The gift is always worth the effort and once you realize this, our conversations can become a wonderful source of enlightenment for ourselves.  Just don’t expect others to be excited about your discoveries or ahaha moments.  Usually when we are in a place of waking up to a new truth, there is someone who has been the source of the trigger that will be somewhat upset or offended that we took things the way we did.

Every conversation has the potential to gift us with a deeper understanding, or a higher awareness of ourselves in how we hear things, how we learn things, and how we ultimately have the choice to respond with gratitude and compassion or resentment and rejection.  The old way is to react and act ‘as if’ we have been offended or hurt.  That is and always will be a choice. The outcome of that choice will lift us up, or tear us down . . . either way we learn, but one is so much nicer to work with than the other.  Learning to laugh at ourselves and the situation instead of being offended and hurt is a sign of mastery.

LISTEN= truly hearing what is said without reacting inappropriately
LEARN= honouring what is said as a gift of wisdom being shared
LAUGH= the release of energy that sets our soul free from our inner reactor