TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: exposes our vulnerable side by revealing that when we are in a place of blaming or shaming others, we are playing a game called guilty.  The idea is that if we are not able to witness and own our own shadow self, then we start to focus on the shadow in others as a way of learning and observing from a distance.  It is easy to point out the faults and flaws in others . . . we are very good at that.  We don’t have any investment in the emotional side of how this came to be, why they are in the place they are in, or even what it is that they are so unhappy about that they would spend their precious life force and energy blaming others.  We are then actually contributing to the game as a cheer leader . . . especially if we are willing to listen to their stories over and over again without challenging them to wake up and see things differently.

Every time we feel the need to blame someone else, we miss the opportunity to heal that part of us that is the same as they are.  Like attracts like.  If your friends and family are investing in the need to gossip, complain, blame or shame someone, then you are no different when you take the time to hear them.  Learning to take the fruit of the conversation and stand in front of your own soul mirror and ask yourself “How do I do this?”.  It may not be the exact same, but there will be a part of you that wants to blame them, or shame them for doing what they are doing.  That deep inner hurt and hate that we all have is very willing to participate in that sport.

Usually when you are someone who blames others – it comes from a place of guilt inside of you that feels you are to blame for something you have done . . . or not done and can’t seem to come to a place of peace with it.  It is a shadow that follows you everywhere you go . . . in your friendships, your relationships and your acquaintances with others on a less personal level.  It all adds up to a feeling of emptiness and loneliness that drains the joy and happiness out of your life.  Taking ownership without feeling the need to defend yourself  or offend anyone is the key to bringing back the joy in life.

BLAME= the need to make others at fault or wrong because we are feeling inadequate, incomplete and unhappy.
SHAME= the feeling of being wrong or wronged somehow for your choices and decisions that affected yourself and others
GAME= the energy of karma contributing to the same lesson being shared and exchanged over and over again without learning or growing.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: has us taking a look at the symbolism in life and how we interpret our world from the place we are most comfortable with.  If we live in a world of inner fear and insecurity, then we call upon the bat spirit to guide us through the darkness into the light.  Not too much light, because it can be much too painful to endure if you have been cave dwelling for a long time.  We tend to withdraw from life when we are feeling unheard, unloved, unwelcome or just plain ignored.  This inspires a season of being unwell whether it is physically, mentally, emotional, spiritually or all of the above.  The bat spirit uses sonar/radar to navigate the world that it cannot see – but its sensors light up the way and the time of isolation opens up to new adventures outside the walls of limitation.

The butterfly on the other hand, moves effortlessly through the light of day and goes about the business of discovering what is present and what is happening in the now moment.  No need to plan it all out, micro manage how it will work and unfold, but simply trusting that if it can do what it loves to do everywhere it lands – magical things will happen and it will always have its needs met in miraculous ways.  The nectar of life is in the sweetness of how we perceive each thing that we do, each part of who we are , and every aspect of what we have become.  Either way we are destined to succeed.

BATS= those who dare to live in the dark knowing that they can still find a way to be content, happy and alive and in that moment, the light comes on and the new reality is birthed.  The bat does not fear the darkness, but embraces it as a place of sanctuary and safety.  Through the use of intuitive senses it finds its way to anywhere it wants to go – and enjoys the journey.

BUTTERFLIES= those who love the idea of the light and how it can inspire endless opportunities for life to be experienced, but alas it is still just one moment, one blossom, one idea that makes it work well.

BELIEFS= the way we hold our heart into the light of who we are and set ourselves up for success or failure in everything we do.  Never be afraid to challenge yourself with either one as they both have a multitude of ways and perspectives to teach us about the art  of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.  One must first behold and identify the conditions and then through the art of forgiveness, compassion and patients transcend it into a higher state of consciousness where all is one and ALL IS WELL.



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: guides us deeper into our inner realms of fear and how it affects everything that we are and everything that we do.  It is the most intense experiences that make our life volatile or fragile while at the same time helping us learn and grow.  Getting overwhelmed by the feelings it can initiate, and the reactions it facilitates from within ourselves and each other is what makes us so unique and energetically divine.

The time has come for us to release all of the residual fears we have been holding onto for the sake of our research.  It is no longer beneficial for us to live in a state of fear on any level: physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.  The game is over and the reviews have been handed in.  Guess what – we are still loveable and divine, no matter what we have done, not done or over done . . . we are worthy of being loved just for showing the willingness to participate and play the game.

FEELINGS= the power we hold to turn them on or off is the key to where we stand or stay on the vibrational level.  We can shut our feelings down and get exhausted without our inner guidance system to help us find our way, or we can keep them wide open and get overwhelmed by all the interaction and feedback we get vibrationally and feel our way through to a moment of solution or resolution.  We always have a choice . . . either way will get us to the moment of surrendering to what feels loving or unloving.  FEELING FRAGMENTED

FEAR= the overwhelming desires that can come from being unsure, insecure and immature about our life and how we are living it.  We can blame the world, each other, family or strangers for what is going on that we find so upsetting, offensive or unfair .  .  . or we can FACE THE FEAR and clear it from our emotional body so we can be free to explore the world we live in through the eyes of wonder and fascination like a child who has nothing but time and curiosity to guide them.  FEELING FRAGILE

FAITH= our innate desire to be valued, appreciated, adored and respected by the world we surround ourselves with.  When we no longer feel fragmented, fragile or fearful, the world is a place where we can co-exist with anyone – anywhere and enjoy the element of joy and happiness that makes our soul feel at peace.  Having faith in ourselves and our ability to survive whatever we choose to manifest for ourselves goes a long way to open our minds and hearts to endless possibilities that we have yet to experience or explore. FEELING FEARLESS

FORGIVENESS= is that moment when you realize with all your heart that nothing that has ever happened was deliberately done to hurt you.  It may seem like it was unjustified, unfair, unkind or untrue in the moment.  But when you have truly forgiven yourself for the role you played and the choices you made to participate in whatever brought you to your awareness or revelation you are open to forgiving those that shared your experience and your heart will feel free to love again. FEELING FREE