Time To Ful-fill Our Potential

Emerging Soul

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that it is time to fulfil our true potential as a light being and soul.  This process would have us taking a very close look at our concept of using the glass half full or empty analogy.  We have outgrown this limiting vision for ourselves in so many ways.  It is not about how do we describe or choose between emptiness and fullness, but to transcend all the way to fulfilment and the art of overflow.

The universal flow of energy has expanded and increased our capacity to manifest with a greater level of vibration that brings a brighter light to this world when we allow it to.  Our inner core reactor is being activated through our DNA and RNA awakening so we can consciously comprehend what working with energy and vibration is about.  We are made up of love and light – aka vibration and sound.  We are eternal beings on an amazing quest to expand the universe to the next level of creation.  So how do we do that?

The cup can no longer remain half full OR empty!  It must be filled to the brim and overflowing with all the potential and possibilities we are capable of. Lets fill the vessel that is our soul and sacred being by consciously creating an unlimited overflow by being:

JOYFUL= let the joy from within overflow in your life experiences
THOUGHTFUL= allow yourself to be considerate of self & others
GRATEFUL= give & receive graciously and allow the blessings
THANKFUL= perceive the gift and life is giving you every day
HOPEFUL= maintain the faith that all is well & flowing free
GRACEFUL= remain in a state of grace that uplifts you & others
CAREFUL= be compassionate and caring towards self & others
PLAYFUL= allow the inner child to challenge you and entertain you
PEACEFUL= be content to know all is well and working perfectly

Change Your Own Nuclear Reactor!

Seeking The Shadow

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: sends a clear message to challenge us to shift to the next level of creation called co-creation.  At this level, we are able to manifest more clearly and easily than ever before.  The concept of conscious creation is moving through the collective and resetting everyones energy to a higher level of potential.

From this time forward, you will be shown how to take the information that is being shown to you or told to you and move it through the inner filter or reactor in a very different way. Instead of ‘reacting’ we will be slowing down our processing to create a more loving response.  This enables us to take what we feel is true, necessary, valid or essential to our well being and ‘respond’ in a loving way.

It is not about everything and everyone being in agreement!  It is about each and every heart being in alignment with a more peaceful way of living and being. In the past fear and judgment were the vibrational energies that entered into our hearts and minds and made us defensive, aggressive or abusive.  By taking the extra time and using your divine filter of patience, tolerance and forgiveness, you will rise above adversity and begin to celebrate diversity!  This is the new level of Divine Soul University, where we learn unconditional love.

ADVERSITY= the potential for conflict and chaos
DIVERSITY= the potential for a broad spectrum of options and opportunity
UNIVERSITY= the potential for all to honour and respect/accept every aspect of creation

11:11 Remembering Our Purpose

Sacred Journey

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that we are here to explore and experience the greatest challenges of a human soul.  This journey is complete with all of the elements of battles won and lost.  Our inner spirit is designed to help us seek the furthest reaches of our imaginary self by whatever means it takes to get us there.  We are the strong, the weak, the brave and the meek all at the same time.

Each time we conquer a new level of awareness of our power and the amount of pain it can facilitate to get us there, we are made wiser and worthy of greater deeds to bring a new level of love to this world.  The world as it stands, is on the brink of a great new reality that allows the soul to express itself in more gentle, creative and caring ways without feeling threatened, judged or criticized.  This level of freedom of expression is a new vibration that has yet to be established.

REMEMBER= the ability to recall what is genuinely important
REMINDER= the signs and signals that help us remember
REMAINDER= the balance of what is yet to be remembered