Could You Face Your Enemy & Lay Down YOUR Weapons?

The Strategist Me


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: When we consider that there really isn’t any difference between those who live in the light and those who choose to live in the shadows it becomes vitally important to begin opening our hearts to each other.  Love dwells in both places – it does not disappear because we choose to experience something that is unloving.  It is still love learning more about life and the expansion of compassion.

The day will come when the front line of our warriors who still choose to challenge each other for dominance and power, will stand before each other and lay down their weapons. They will choose because their heart has expanded far enough to realize that what they face across the gap between light and dark is the same love that we are all created out of.

In that moment, the power of love will establish a new level of integrity, prosperity and diversity that will elevate the entire planet to the next level of evolution.  Each of us are responsible for allowing that moment to unfold in whatever way it is shown to us.  No one has the right to tell you or force you into this moment.  It is a sacred moment, born of a spiritual journey that will transform the future of our human race.

Can you envision laying down your judgements, fears and weapons and standing strong with the conviction that love is more powerful than any weapon of destruction?  That is our purpose right now – to achieve this.

SHADOW= the place where we discover hurtful/hateful love
LIGHT= the state where we create unconditional love
SURRENDER= the moment we understand the difference

A New Level Of Compassion

The Real Me


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that we are all here to share the experience of discovering yourselves through interacting with each other.  We play support roles in every way as we co-create a new world out of our research from the shadow world.  It is time to consider what ways we are able to graduate and move on to a higher level of respect – both for ourselves, and each other.  This will bring such a joyous relief to the world we inhabit.

One of the hardest things for us as humans to understand, is the need for every soul to be seen and heard.  This is not an optional experience, but a necessary one that allows us to witness our reflections in each other where we make the conscious choice to change and grow, or to stubbornly stay the same.  It is inevitable that we will eventually grow . . . but some of us like to make a career out of taking our time to allow it.

It is essential that we observe what others have to say and not because we are obligated to agree or disagree.  This is not an endorsement of what they say or think – but an acknowledgement of their right to be heard.  This is part of our new level of compassion where we no longer judge or reject each other based on opinions.

LISTEN= the ability to pay attention to each other
HEAR= the willingness to allow others to express themselves
HEARD= the feeling of acceptance without judgment

Conversations With Your Inner Child


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: suggests we would all benefit from a little chat time with our inner child.  They are the source of our joy, happiness and innocence.  When they are feeling sad or neglected, it is reflected in our daily lives as loneliness.  That deep inner feeling that seems to allude even the most dedicated seeker when we are not connected to our innocence.  That soft and gentle part of us is in charge of allowing us to be genuine and authentic.

It may take a few attempts to contact your inner child if you have not been paying attention to it for a long period of time.  This tiny voice can be so faint it sounds like it is in the ethers and not even part of your soul self.  Keep listening until you can hear what that voice is trying to say to you.  It can be very frustrating to only hear parts of it, or sounds instead of words, but it is truly worth paying attention to.

When you have made a clear connection, the comments coming from your inner child will be very precise in what is being shared.  They don’t mince words, or beat around the bush.  They like to tell it like it is and you better be ready to listen. Don’t question what is being said – just accept it as an important key to your overall state of wellbeing and happiness.

SILENCE= not feeling heard or listened to
WHISPER= feeling unsure and insecure about being heard
SOUNDS= sending something so you feel encouraged to continue
SENTENCES= offering pure wisdom and truth you need to hear