We All Need Encouragement

Transformational Door

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: whispers words of encouragement to those of us who have had enough of the trauma and drama of life and just want to live in peace.  The voice of our own soul is permeating our inner sanctuary and lifting our spirits to a higher vibration.  It is up to us to listen, to hear, to see and to allow the shift of consciousness that is taking place to bring a more open minded/hearted state of grace.

That chronic voice of criticism must be silenced if we are going to live beyond the guilt, shame and blame we all like to pass around like a false flag of faith.  Our inner critic has been giving us advise and suggestions since childhood.  If you are tired of that whiney child that cries to you in the night, then you need to consider giving it enough love and attention that it feels nothing but love from now on.

Learning to be complimentary to others is a pretty safe and easy step to take as we know we need to be kinder and more compassionate, but having that same level of compassion for our own inner spirit takes some serious focus and dedication.  Each time that voice comes to challenge you or berate you – embrace it with love.  No matter what it is telling you or suggesting to you that you may or not be worthy and loveable – love it anyway and love it genuinely.

THE CRIER= those moments when we are being childish
THE CRITIC= those moments when we are judging unfairly
THE CRONE= those moments when we love the unloveable

Soul Secrets Set Free

Keeping Secrets

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to consider sharing our deepest, darkest secrets with the world of vibrational energy.  As we learn to release our hidden fears and judgments, we set our soul free from guilt, shame and the need to blame or be blamed.

The energies of the cosmos are edging us closer to the moment when we must fully commit to our true purpose and wake up to the truth of who we are.  Internal signals are pressuring us to stand up, open up and speak up about the way we live in this world.  It is time for complete exposure and full disclosure of all things delusional.  Being able to see clearly through all of the illusions we have been living in is a vitally important gift that comes with its own liberating energies.

If everyone, knew everything about anything that is important to our joy and happiness and were willing to share it – we would breathe a collective sigh of relief.  Humanity is in a position where the old paradigm cannot hold onto the darkness or the illusions we have been living in during those dark times for much longer.  Expect a great burst of love and light to expose everything and everyone for what it is this year.  That means a lot of moments of embracing compassion, forgiveness and respect for each other.

COMPOSURE= how we keep a lid on our dark thoughts & feelings
DISCLOSURE= the importance of sharing our hidden thoughts & feelings
EXPOSURE= a new level of vibration that brings in more loving thoughts & feelings
FORECLOSURE= self forgiveness ends any thoughts or feelings of being in debt

As The Seasons Change

Violet Flame Blessings

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that the seasons of life are ever changing and evolving as we spiral further and further out into the expanded state of awareness that is love.  There are many stages and phases to this process, and each soul will complete their version of it in their own unique way.  This process cannot be rushed or avoided as we fill our soul with a new layer of light with every moment.

In the beginning the challenges feel exciting, rewarding and interesting to our inquisitive self.  But somewhere along the path of discovery, we enter into a phase of change where we are indifferent or ambivalent towards ourselves and those that we share the pathway with.  This is a sign that we are entering into the final stages of completing our research and the focus shifts to discover only what is most important – how we feel about ourself.

When we feel good about who we are and what we are doing, and where we are on the lengthy pathway to enlightenment, there is a renewed sense of purpose and a strengthening of the soul that brings a new level of intensity to the daily experiences we create for ourselves.  The internal pressure of feelings and emotions can urge us onward, or overwhelm us with a sense of grief, loss, or failure.  This too shall pass as we are designed to continue to journey on.

INTENTION= the inner plan that urges us on to a greater level of love
FOCUS= the intense sense of direction we must hold onto to get there
PERCEPTION= the various ways we can view our challenges
CREATION= the inevitable outcome of living what we intend, focus on, and perceive