Fire The Grid

Raise Consciousness

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: is a message from Source that invites us to participate in a powerful shift of consciousness that can transform the world in a wonderful way.  We are familiar with the concept of the planet having a grid of lines called lay lines that are strategically placed around the world in the form of buildings, monuments and hidden sites that are all inter-connected.

In the past history, this grid system has been used to control the energy field of humanity through a manipulation of that power to supress our awareness until such time as we as a collective are ready to work together in a harmonized way to evolve and expand our souls.  This awakening has been taking place at a rapid pace over the last few decades as the moment of our transformation and shift of consciousness takes place.

In order to facilitate this shift, we must come to a critical mass of like minded souls working together with the focus of conscious creation to bring about our own birthing into this new reality.  It is a group effort and a collective program that will bring it all into being when the time is right.  Source has indicated to me this day that THE TIME IS NOW.

If this message speaks to your soul and inspires you to join in, then you are a much needed source of infinite power that has the ability to contribute to this great shift.

The same way that the power grid is used to control and manipulate humanity, Source has shown me that we can use that same system – to set our souls free.  Here are the steps to take that will bring it into being:

  • Fill your own heart with so much love that it overflows and fills your soul vessel.
  • Allow the love that dwells within your soul to overflow and fill your home and region.
  • Envision the flow building until it fills the entire country you live in.
  • Bring the flow down into the lay lines and charge them up with endless love.
  • As soon as you feel the connection to the grid light up you are there . . .
  • Raise the energy of the grid higher up until you can see it above the earth.
  • When you see the grid light up with the light of love – breathe in and out.
  • And so it is that this can be done at 9:00 am and 9:00 pm around the world.
  • Keep charging the grid with this energy until you see it connecting within the Earth and above the Earth all at the same time.

SOLAR POWER= the radiant power of the sun to energize life on our planet
SOUL POWER= the inner radiance of creation that we possess as individuals
SOUL OUR POWER= the collective focus of our intentions to vibrationally shift

What We Teach Our Children

Maternal Blessings

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: teaches us that we have been interfering in the most fundamental way with what we teach our children.  Instead of introducing them to their own connection to source (God) we step in and block the most sacred of all guidance systems by not assisting our children in being fully connected to the source of creation.

We teach them at a very early age to – listen to me, follow me, pay attention to me . . . and what we should be focusing our loving energy and compassion for our precious little ones is this:

LISTEN TO YOUR HEART –  it knows your life plan and holds the divine blueprint for your entire life’s journey including the challenges and how to resolve them.
FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS –  they can guide you to your destiny by revealing hidden secrets of your soul and how you can see yourself through the eyes of love.
PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR INNER VOICE – where the answers come from a place where your own soul will learn and grow and flourish through the journey of life.

Breaking Through The Veils

Break Through

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a moment in time where we break through the veils of illusion and see our true self in all its glory.  This is the blessing that comes after a long journey of self discovery, self distraction and destruction.  As we begin to fill in the lost memories of who we truly are, the truth becomes more real and calls to us from the depths of our soul to rise above all former beliefs or fears to fully awaken.

The veil of forgetfulness has been placed upon us as we descend into the earthly realms to search for the light in a very darkened place.  We spend most of our life in this search only to discover at the end of the challenge – we are the light we have been searching for.  We were sent into this dark and dense reality to bring the light and activate it at the very core of creation as  a new phase of evolution begins to clear all lower vibrational energies, beings and behaviours.

It truly is a test of our courage, strength, faith and devotion to the source of our creation.  To completely forget and then slowly awaken to the truth that is held deep within our heart and soul has taken many lifetimes.  The success of our mission is at hand and as we fulfill our own destiny to birth the light, we become the light we seek and light up this beautiful planet with a new purpose and sense of being.

DISCOVERY= the journey every soul takes to activate the light
DISTRACTION= all of the ways we forget or fear the truth
DESTRUCTION= a break down of illusions while igniting the light