Prayer of Gratitude & Thankfulness

Gratitude Prayer








Today’s Life Lesson: encourages us to take time to focus on our life and how many ways we allow ourselves to be loved and blessed.  It is a time where all else is set aside while we embrace our lives in a way that offers gratitude for our experiences both great and small.  Find a way of seeing the blessings in the burdens we have chosen to carry, and a way of shifting our perception from being less than perfect to acknowledging the perfection of just being.

Each day that we show up for our own version of creation expressing itself through our own eyes, we contribute so much to the sum of the whole, and the evolution of the collective.  As individuals we are learning to be valued, and as a human race we are accepting the concept that we are priceless.

Here are some ways we can focus our intentions and prayers on the things that are working well, the breakthroughs that are already happening, and the opportunities to expand the vibrations of love in our own personal way.  May the overflowing light of love saturate your soul with gratitude and thankfulness this day.

THANKFUL= giving thanks for absolutely everything that is happening
GRATEFUL= acknowledging the blessings that are already present
HOPEFUL= accepting there are no limits on your potential
HELPFUL= allowing the assistance of self and others to prevail
PEACEFUL= embracing the art of giving and receiving love equally

Human Soul – Source Connection

Spring Solstice

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us understand the significance and necessity of having a strong soul connection to the source of our creation.  This connection begins at the moment of conception where the vibrational frequency is set to the level of love that is present within the male and female union.

In order for this vibration to be established there is an imprinting of the ‘signature’ or soul contract that is imbedded into the original blueprint.  As the fetus begins to develop, the characteristics of that blueprint take form and create a physical expression of the data that is then transferred to each and every cell in the body.  This will be reflected through the physical, mental and emotional field of potential.

It is vitally important for the completion of a soul’s evolution that the parents are able to fully participate in their development.  This means that there will be a natural flow of attention from the male side, and affection from the female side of BOTH parents.  To have one or both of these interactions missing causes a great amount of chaos and confusion for the infant and ultimately affects their souls development.

Without these natural states of interaction, a child feels that they are unloved, unworthy and unwanted creating a life of being chronically unhappy.  This is the basis of all dis-ease and dysfunctional behaviour.

ATTENTION= the initial interest and focus given to a child
AFFECTION= the nurturing and compassion offered to a child
CONNECTION= the bridge of love that reflects the value placed on a child

The Story Of Ascension Life

Wisdom & Knowledge

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires a deeper meaning to the life journey we are on these days.  As sacred souls we are being guided through a maze of challenges that can uplift us to a higher awareness with a deeper purpose.  Although it may seem as if the whole idea of ascension is lost on our senses and sensibilities, there truly is a purpose for our experiences and those that we share them with.

From the very beginning where we entered into this human world of evolving energies, we have been searching for the unknown feeling of being loved and learning how to love.  This concept has up until now been a very illusive MYSTERY.  Within the questing and searching we have done, there are many answers and awarenesses that have become a part of who we are we have come to call ENTITY or our IDENTITY.

This entire ‘Mystery’ can be called ‘My Story’ – the one we record and write as we go along that helps us unfold the truth of who we are.  This story will be told over and over again until we have the understanding we require to make the changes we need to move onto the next phase of our evolution.

We have learned to value the idea of HISTORY as being an important part of keeping a measurement of changes or lack thereof.  This form of remembering can be called ‘His Story’ as the male aspects of self are thought based and logical in nature.  To remember and recall His Story keeps the lineage of light actively competing and comparing ourselves to each other.

In the maturing of a soul there comes a phase of time where we must acknowledge or accept how we feel about our story.  This is the missing link in most soul journeys as we are not taught to value HER STORY.  That part of us that is a living and breathing expression of how we FEEL ABOUT OURSELVES as the result of living our story.

As the conscious awareness of our soul awakens to the reality that we are a full expression of ‘thoughts’ and ‘feelings’ we begin to merge them together to understand and embrace the whole self.  This is when we enter into the phase of awakening the divine within.  This powerful source of life and breath that dwells within each and every creation will inevitably wake up and activate the final stages of evolution.

This final stage is called ‘MASTERY’ where we comprehend the purpose of our existence and have compassion for every other creation as being equal.  This allows the expansion of creation to move further out into the universal vastness and elevate love to a higher vibration.  Unlimited, expansive, unconditional love is birthed to a new level where we will all move forward together to explore what that has to offer.

MYSTERY= the unknown part of who we are that is forgotten at birth
HISTORY= the logical memories of who we are and where we came from
HERSTORY= the emotional reactions we have to our personal story
MASTERY= the awakening to truth and embracing of each other as one living light