
TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to work with the vibration of light and the spectrum of colours to address our inner issues and worries.  The body is made up of colours that when in balance are healthy, happy and well adjusted.  As we experience life lessons and learn new levels of awareness, our chakras or energy centres can increase or decrease in intensity.  Where there is an excess of energy, there can be tension and tightness, where there is a lack of energy . . . we can experience tiredness and lethargy.  These two extremes will show up at the same time.

Learning to scan your own chakras internally can help identify where the imbalances are located so they can be reset by intentions and visualization – virtually like resetting the command centre of a hydro panel.  Power surges of excess energy will be drawing energy from another place within the body systems.  Eg.  If you are having emotional issues and are over-reactive to situations (solar plexus), chances are you are having headaches (third eye chakra) or low back aches (root chakra) where the energy is being drawn away from those chakras to support the overcharge in your solar plexus.

To correct this out of balance state – visualize that you are standing in an energy shower of pure white light.  Let the light rain down on you and fill you up from the soles of your feet all the way up to the top of your head and beyond.  The light will defuse the areas of excess, and infuse the areas that are depleted as a normal flow of balance and energy.  Breathe in ‘relaxation, rejuvenation’ and breathe out ‘resistance or resentment’.  Trusting your intuitive guidance helps make this a wonderful way to correct the physical, mental and emotional bodies.  Just let the process soothe your soul and return you to a state of grace where health and happiness are normal.

INHALE= bring in the white light and let it flood your souls vessel from your feet to your crown.
PAUSE= the transition between in breath and out breath where we consciously choose to manifest what we want
EXHALE= release any imbalances, emotions, thoughts or feelings that are keeping you unhappy or unwell.


Well ~ Wellness ~ Wellbeing ~ Wealth

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to allow the very essence of the Divine to pour into and through our being with an endless flow of health and vitality.  The source of our supply is being increased to accommodate all of the prayers and desires being put forth into the collective.  We are being shown that there are no longer any reasons for limitation to hold us back, or keep us from our hearts dreams and purpose.

As the abundant flow of the essence of life moves into our crown, it then gently flows down through each of the chakras and fills them like a pool of endless love and vitality.  It is up to us to allow that energy to radiate inward,  outward and around us.  This increase of cosmic light and abundant radiance can clear any and all former illusionary limitations, imbalances, fears, judgements, worry or sense of lack.  The more you fill your well of wellbeing, the more you will experience the expansion of love and light in your life that reflects wealth and wellness.

Take a few moments and just breathe in the idea, expand it into a full breath of acceptance, and then breathe out any resistance or reluctance that might keep it from happening.  It is as simple as we allow it to be, and yet as profound as it is meant to be . . . breathe in . . . breathe out . . . and so it  begins.

WELL= the vessel we call our energetic body that is dimensional
WELLBEING= the state of grace we find when we love ourselves fully
WELLNESS= the physical expression of our inner beliefs and state of mind
WEALTH= the overall fulfillment of our souls ability to fully love and share love


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reveals that we all have many Dragons to slay in our lifetime, as we have set ourselves up with issues and challenges to work through as part of our evolutionary growth.  These formidable foes are designed to challenges us to the maximum degree of what we can endure, and then some.  Each energy system (or chakra) has its own version of the Dragon dance . . .

We are programmed to work through our life issues through Karma and the ever evolving system of expansion and contraction of our soul into various archetypes where we learn about ourselves, the world we live in, and our inherited traits that are encapsulated in our DNA.  This ensures that we will not miss anything that is relevant to our souls commitment to experience the broad spectrum of what life and creation has to offer.

When we look backwards – FAILURE seems to follow us until we acknowledge it and see it as wisdom.
When we look forwards – FEAR seems to challenge us to give up again and again until we face it fearlessly.
When we look inwards – FEELINGS seem to keep us FROZEN in the experience until we accept ourselves fully.

Failure requires FORGIVENESS in order to release and set ourselves free from our judgments.
Fear requires FAITH in order to walk through the unknown doors of the future where truth awaits us.
Feelings require FREEDOM to fully accept that how we feel about ourselves is the key to wisdom

And so the DRAGON DANCE of each level of our creative power invites us to take a walk through our
FAILURES in order to find FORGIVENESS.
FEAR challenges us to draw upon our FAITH in who we are and what we are capable of conquering.
FEELINGS helps us embrace the broad spectrum of experiences that teach us how to value our FREEDOM and help melt our FROZEN hearts.

When we have danced with all the DRAGONS – the feeling of FREEDOM expands our hearts and liberates our soul.