TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: is all about the current global trend towards being gender neutral. It is a phenomena that is gaining momentum and becoming more of a collective focus than ever before. This is a challenge for each and every one of us to stand up and notice, or step up for our rights to a healthy world to live in.

With the use of Glycosphate being spayed in our atmosphere, in our water and in our food, the results are an increase in cellular changes that are undeniable in their presence. We are saturated with toxins and poisons that are distorting our original blueprint of health and wellbeing.

TRANSMISSION: the use of frequencies and toxins to alter the state of awareness and reality that we are living in. Our cell phones, TV’s, computers and hydro generators are all being used to alter our physical, mental and emotional state. This is not by Divine design, but by a minority of profit hungry individuals who will do anything to gain control of humanity in order to benefit from our illness and service to their needs.

TRANSFERANCE: the transfer of energy is being done through the subtle changes of our hormones and cellular data. Our bodies are designed to correct and heal themselves when it is done in a natural way through immunity and evolution. We are designed to adjust and evolve through sicknesses, plagues, viruses and bacterial infestations. We are not designed to do this with chemicals and additives that our body does not recognize as invaders until there is a saturation situation.

TRANSFORMATION: is our survival system kicking in and helping our cells to clear as much as possible while under the stress of supporting our normal body functions. This takes strength, patience, determination and faith that the process can work in time for us to survive the assault. We are created to transform what ever challenges us into a higher state of awareness and understanding. Let us hope this can happen in a reasonable amount of time if humanity is to survive and thrive.

TRANSGENDER: this is the result of the extreme distortions of hormones and cellular imprinting that comes with the use of Glycosphate. If you notice the trend that has been building and present for decades, you can see the progression of what it doing to our bodies and our being.

Women through the increase of ESTROGEN in foods, personal products, chemicals and vaccines are having to have their breasts removed as they become saturated with the toxic waste. They are no longer finding it easy to become pregnant and are having organs removed at an unprecedented rate due to malfunctions and deterioration of tissues.

Men in response to the increase in ESTROGEN are now growing breasts and having hormonal issues that they have not experienced before. They are super emotional and irrational in the battle between the mind of man who is no longer identifying with the masculine blueprint. This in part has led to the vast increase in disease of body and mind creating a high rate of suicide.
The youth of our times are being totally confused by their state of mind, body and spirit as they no longer identify with any one gender but stand in the illusion of not knowing who or what they are.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: is a moment where I realized that I have a gift for creating through my imagination that has given me so many wonderful things to share. It has been a part of my life since this version of my being began. In some moments it has been a comforting and creative blessing while in other moments it can be a burden that breaks my heart so it can grown again.

Each of us have the ability to receive the information available to the collective consciousness. It is not an exclusive group or culture that has access to it. We all have the ability – but only some will trust it enough to make it the main focus of our daily living. For those who are visionaries, dreamers and designers it is the very breath of life that makes us whole

IMAGINATION= is the ability to see with our inner vision the possibilities and potential that is available to create anything our soul can envision.

MESSAGES= that part of the process where it fills in the details about how our soul might enjoy, benefit and be blessed by creating something to share with the world. Often this is a two edged sword. Some will embrace our gifts and others will judge them. Either way we are still required to bring them to life so that others can learn something from the event. Messages are an important part of the puzzle, but without the images . . . they are just words.

IMAGES= that part of the imagination that fills in the details about how to go about manifesting something. Information without passion is just a source of frustration in the world of creativity. It takes a dedicated visionary to take the message and the image that comes with it and bring it all together into a manifestation to share . . . creating it is only half the fun, sharing it where it becomes an unmeasurable blessing. We will never know how many lives it touches or changes . . . we are simply the MESSENGER who gives it life.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reveals to me that humanity is in a powerful place of change that can happen in the blink of an eye.  Each soul has the ability to stand in front of the mirror of truth and discover what it is that they are ready to embody.  Our choices are not designed to be chances . . . they are opportunities that show up when we are in a position to make life changes that can alter our lifestyle and destiny in every way.  There isn’t a script written in stone, but a menu of choices we can make that will help us learn more about ourselves and our capacity to love.  Love begins within and it comes from a place of pure divine light that shines itself on, in and through our lives every day and in every way.  Even those shadow moments where we seem to forget or forgo our sacred selves, there is an element of love that is present for us to discover.

As the waves of frequencies are shifting the earth and all its inhabitants right now we are in a place like never before.  A place where we can see more clearly, hear more profoundly and speak more openly about ourselves and how we relate to love.  It will happen in our relationships, our friendships, our own inner dialogue and with the celestial realms as we are being shown how to reconnect to the truth of who we are.  We are not alone . . . we are ALL ONE.

Imagine yourself standing in front of a grand mirror where you can see yourself clearly . . . you are witnessing the place where the past, the present and the future are all present in the same moment, the same breath, in the same time line of creation.  What you see is the reunion of you as a soul being reflected back to you and revealing the essence of your soul in a special way.

THE PAST= that part of you that is behind you that is no longer seen, but truly embodied in the present with you now.
THE PRESENT= the part of you that you can see that possesses all the wisdom from the past that makes you who you are in this moment.
THE FUTURE= the reflection you see in the mirror is the you that is yet to be but calls to you with such familiarity and love that is cannot be ignored in this moment.

The reunion takes only a moment . . . the moment you are in right now . . . the moment where the past, the present and the future all merge into one as you take a deep breath and step through the mirror.  You cannot see where it is taking you, what is on the other side, or what will happen if you do.  You only know that something inside your sacred self is telling you that you must do this to align yourself to the wave of creation that is awaiting you on the other side of this moment.  That part of you that unites all of the rays of light and love from the past, the present and the future into one fully embodied soul who shines like a diamond in the darkness that is love.  Every fragment of your soul that you have lost or left behind is reunited with you in that moment and you are reconnected to the light of self love, sacred love and divine love in every dimension and on every timeline.  No longer separated or fragmented into pieces – but one whole and holy divine being totally at peace with who you are.