TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: celebrates the awakening of a new season of life.  It brings with it the hopes and dreams of a better time for humanity and the world as it revolves around the collective vision we all hold together.  May the fear of what is happening and unfolding find a place to fade away in the extra hours of sunlight and may the shadows we have been living in grow smaller in the wake of greater light.

The power of the sun and moon are instilled within our hearts and souls and each time there is a cycle of life brought into our experience we renew our efforts and intentions to make this a better world.  We live in a time when the focus is on solving the problems, focusing on the problems and desperately seeking solutions to our problems – that time must end if we are to learn how to co-create a world that is not an endless reflection of the concept of PROBLEMS.

We must find a way to hold our eyes, our hearts and our intentions of forgiveness of what has been while we intend a better way of being . . . a brighter form of life and how we live it.  Our collective challenge is to hold the vision of this new reality long enough to manifest it as our truth and primary focus.  The idea that each ISSUE we face is a huge mountain instead of a simple step is what keeps us feeling small and living in limitations.

Our CHALLENGES were not meant to define us in an endless parade of difficulties, but to be an inspiration for us to grow, evolve and expand our awareness of the endless possibilities.  Somewhere along the way we forgot the point of the research and experiments.  We are meant to rise higher, dig deeper, grow wiser and live larger than any form of LIMITATION.  Once we wake up to the idea that this is even possible . . . the tide will turn and the season of hope will bloom.


PROBLEMS= when we see our world through this illusion – everything is more difficult and hard work.
ISSUES= the memories we hold onto that repeat our fears or judgments until we let them go.
CHALLENGES= the testing of our spirit to rise up and move to a higher perspective to see things clearly.
LIMITATIONS= the illusions we put in front of ourselves to slow us down and keep us small until we are ready to grow.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the way we begin each day and how it determines what direction we will go with our intentions and directions.  Each moment is designed for us to make a choice and based on that choice we enter into the next moment with what we have envisioned for ourselves.  It is a challenging experience to be able to take the time to consciously observe what is being chosen and what it actually means.  We are never a victim, although it can sure feel that way – the only person that can set us free is ourselves.  When a thought is not in alignment with our best interest or wellbeing, why do we follow it as if it is the only pathway open?  Catching ourselves doing that is such an important art of feeling free and in alignment with our best version of who we can be.

A thought that enters into our awareness is just that  – a thought.  It is not a law, a rule, a sentence, a direct order and yet we can so easily feel it is there because we need to do something in reaction to that thought.  That is where the feelings come in – they are designed as a guidance system that will usher us forward into more of the same thoughts, or push us in a new direction that is away from those thoughts.  It is so subtle that we are rarely able to catch the moment so we can redirect the reactions and actions we can take.  A thought is simply a vibration from the field of quantum energy that shows us one way out of an endless and infinite realm of possibilities.  Why would we choose the thought that least supports our happiness, health or wealth potential?  That is the old way.

Feelings are designed to help us sort through our thoughts until we find one that is more in alignment with our true desires and beliefs about what we deserve.  If a thought feels good – follow it.  If a thought does not feel good – move in another direction until you find a resonation with the new direction.  Even though we may not have any idea what that direction may bring, it is in our best interest and evolutionary development to follow it through until we discover where it takes us.

The heart will always be the ultimate judge of your choices and decisions.  When it feels good – we radiate a loving, kind and caring light.  When it does not resonate, we emirate fear, judgement, anger or shame . . . that is not a direction we want to continue to follow.  Moment to moment, step by step, feeling by feeling and choosing loving thoughts will take us where we need to be and will flourish in a healthy happy way – every day.  It would be foolish to think we can follow what someone else thinks of us and ever end up in a good place.  Or to interpret what we think others expect of us as a way of doing service – this will only lead to disappointment and discontentment.  Not a happy place to be in any moment.  Choose your moments wisely – and you will feel at peace.

ISSUE= A thought that we are having that does not resonate with our inner feelings or heart reactions so we blow it up into something bigger to look at until we see it clearly.
LESSON= An opportunity to learn something about ourselves that will help us grow, evolve, change, heal and expand our awareness in a more loving way.
BLESSING= An instant reward or feeling of contentment, peace, love and acceptance that comes when we have fully understood and assumed ownership of our choices as part of our souls development.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: brings a new awareness to my soul as I mourn the loss of my best friend.   It is not that I regret her passing, but take time to celebrate her life.  When we have a kindred spirit who understands who we are at the deepest level of our being and embraces all that comes with that, we are truly blessed.  Not everyone can accept us in that way and when we find someone that can, the joy and pleasure of their role in our lives is irreplaceable.  As a sacred bond it is important to realize that not everyone finds that kind of friendship and kinship to share. I feel truly honoured that I have had that experience.

Learning to embrace the loss is part of what challenges us to let go.  Not to let go of the memories, the special moments or the challenging ones, but to truly honour that they existed.  Focusing on the blessings becomes a way of being comforted and soothed as the days unfold.  In those moments when the mind forgets they are no longer present, it is being ok with that thought where you want to pick up the phone and tell them something that just happened they way you used to do.  It is taking a moment and making that call on a higher level where you speak with them in spirit and share the same message knowing that on some plain of existence they are smiling and responding with the usual enthusiasm or interest.  There is no distance when it comes to spirit – and in that way our friendship continues.

LOSS= the sense of finality that comes with the passing of a dear friend or loved one
GRIEF= the process we go through as we learn to let go while still holding sacred memories
MOURNING= the sense of empty space that comes when someone is no longer there