TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: Reveals the progression of energy that takes us from our calm and centred state to a full on blow out of aggression. We are given our personal life challenges through a series of events that invite us to learn about our limits and boundaries. When they are not respected, or rejected, we immediately go into an energy spiral that can take us on a wild ride of emotions.

The typical place where we start is getting triggered by a comment or event that activates within us our deepest hurts and wounds that have not healed. We may not even be aware we are still carrying the memory or fear that is the base cause of our reaction, but we soon go through the rapid progression of steps that can change our world inside and out.

Without taking the time to honour and respect our own feelings and allow them to be processed through our sense of forgiveness or awareness, we continue to return to this state of inner despair, or outward aggression that makes our life miserable and our soul feels abandoned.

ANXIETY= the feeling of hopelessness that we hold onto when we don’t feel we have the ability to let go of past events or beliefs which means our future is going to appear to look exactly the same. Until we are able to own our experience and take responsibility for rescuing ourselves from that place of despair, we remain a prisoner of its low vibration and self worth issues. The world becomes an unsafe and unloving place to be.

ANGST= begins to consume our daily perspective where we can no longer even imagine ourselves getting better or life being different. We hold onto the illusion of hopelessness that follows our every breath and heartbeat into an abyss of overwhelmed fear and dread of living another day. The longer we stay in this state, the harder it is to restore our faith in ourselves.

ANGER= happens when we begin to recognize that we are being held hostage by our fears and beliefs. Our inner warrior begins to wake up and takes a stand that activates our fight and flight instincts where we are ready to face or fight what ever and who ever is triggering our feelings of anxiety and angst. This is simply a distraction from the real source of our pain which is inside the heart that has been hurt.

AGGRESSION= The tendency is to spend a great deal of time and energy in blaming others, avoiding confrontations or deliberately creating them to prove to ourselves we are not going to give up or give in anymore. We get defensive about our personal space and feelings and strike out at anyone who might be in our presence at the time we are triggered. The act of striking out is a true sign of self destructive behaviour as the source of what is causing the feelings is still hidden inside to be discovered or recovered.

Everything I need is a SEED

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: In my meditation time today I journeyed to my Sacred Sanctuary where I get to see all the things that are happening, or about to happen in my life. As I entered into my sacred space I stood in the centre of the sphere of energy and asked to be shown what Read More


In my meditation time today I journeyed to my Sacred Sanctuary where I get to see all the things that are happening, or about to happen in my life.

As I entered into my sacred space I stood in the centre of the sphere of energy and asked to be shown what happiness looks like. My life has not had a lot of happiness in it and I wanted to get a sense of what that might look like and feel like so I could be more aligned to the energy of it. The keys to a fulfilled life include the ability to be HAPPY~HEALTHY~WORTHY~WEALTHY.

To my pleasure and enjoyment, I was instantly standing in the centre of a huge sunflower. I was impeded in the face as one of the seeds and all around me were endless seeds and beautiful soft vibrant yellow petals. The size was enormous and might even be described as endless. I felt the welcoming energy of abundance and the connection to Mother Nature and how she provides everything I need in life.

Her gentle voice could be heard inside my being as she softly said look at all the seeds of possibilities and opportunities you have before you. In each and every seed there is a gift to meet your needs. You have endless gifts and abilities that you are able to share with the world but inside your own soul there is a hole that needs to be filled with love. You are the image of perfection just as you are – exactly the way you are.

Nothing needs to be changed other than your willingness to allow the vastness of the universe to have unlimited flow through your being. This is the gift that comes with being a creation of light. Your life is blessed with all the things you have envisioned and dreamed of. Learn to dream bigger and allow the light of love and creation to experience life through you in miraculous ways.

SOURCE= the infinite power of love that creates everything there is
SUNFLOWER= the face of love that provides inspiration and opportunity
SEEDS= the gift of love that is inside every dream and desire I experience


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: In my morning meditation time I like to go to my Sacred Sanctuary within and review what life is trying to teach me or show me for the day.  Today was a very special day as I found myself asking to be shown the book in my Akashic records that contains the things I hold inside that are related to GUILT, SHAME and BLAME.  I have recently felt that the major source of my excess weight was related to my instinctive reaction to everything and everyone as being somehow either my responsibility, or my fault if things were not in alignment or in a happy place.  My intention was to have a good look at the book to see where I could complete my research and let go of the need to feel bad, or sorry, or guilty for what I had said or done.

Imagine my surprise when I asked Source to reveal the book to me and ALL OF THE BOOKS FLEW OFF THE SHELF and landed all around me.  It seems that I have been feeling things are all my fault since time began.  That is a lot of guilt, shame and blame to embody!  So the answer to my prayer was laying all around me and the need to shed the burden of how that ‘weighs heavy’ on my soul became crystal clear.  If I am blaming myself for everything that has happened then it means others are now left holding onto the illusion of nothing is their responsibility.  Well that does not help either one of us clear the karma, or complete the life lesson.

So I began to release any and all attachments to the past events: traumas, dramas and anyone related to what I experienced or how I contributed to the issue or situation.  I took responsibility for my part and held it up to the light of creation saying thank you for the experience and I am grateful for all those who contributed and participated in my life lessons so I could learn them . . . the books started to fade away but not disappear.  What was left on the floor was a rainbow of colours that Source calls wisdom.  I was able to retain wha t I had learned, but release what I went through to learn it.  The light got brighter and brighter and then all of a sudden the Akashic record shelves were filled with REVISED EDITIONS of my life and my lessons.  What is held there now is what I have been blessed with out of all the lessons through time and history.  I new sense of purpose, and a wonderful sense of peace.

GUILT= those moments we believe everything this is our FAULT instead of our choice.
SHAME= the feeling that comes with believing in the illusion of FAILURE
BLAME= when we need to reflect the focus away from what we FEAR in ourselves and others