TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that It is important to acknowledge and accept that our natural state of grace has an ebb and flow to it that reflects our willingness to love and be loved.  The amount of energy (thoughts) and synergy (feelings) that we experience is directly connected to our level of willingness to allow our intentions to be loving.

We should not consider sharing from our well of wellbeing and wellness unless it is full and overflowing.  This is the secret to having abundant good health and prosperity; for if we overspend our resources, we then end up in a state of need or greed that compels us to exist for the sake of others . . . thus forsaking ourselves.

If the entire world of humanity was aware of this, and lived vicariously through the concept of only share what you have when it is in a place of abundance, we would have less conflict.  Most of the worlds conflicts are fought over resources.  The idea that there is not enough comes from the collective consciousness of the human race and not from the benevolent reality of nature.  In nature there is plenty for all, and even the need to provide for each other fades away.  We are the source of our own supply. Sharing is caring, but it must come from a place of fullness and not a desperation of emptiness.

WELLNESS = living with a full heart filled and overflowing with love
WELLBEING = a fullness that overflows when faith is present
WILLINGNESS = the power to replenish any resource that is desired or required
WHOLENESS  = complete balance and grace built on a foundation of endless love











TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: has us searching deeply within our soul self to discover our true roots.  This process has us feeling lost and alone at times as we desperately seek to find a place where we fit in.

It is so important to find a place where your heart can sing it’s song and be heard.  A circle of light where your brilliance shines and your uniqueness is celebrated.

So many times we feel that the only way we can fit in is to conform to the standards of those around us – this is the last place you should want to settle for.

Somewhere in your energy field is a beacon of light that we call ‘VIBRATION’ and it is set to a level where you are destined to dwell.  It is important to be patient with yourself while this search is taking place as it does not happen over night, and it does not require you to do or be anything other than yourself.  When you finally surrender to this blissful state of grace, your ‘TRIBE’ will begin to gravitate towards you and fill in that space of longing and loneliness.  Happiness is knowing you are loved and accepted exactly the way you are!

LONELY = the state where we feel we don’t fit in anywhere
LONGING = a deep desire to find a place of true acceptance
BELONGING = a natural state of grace where we find ourselves at home with others










TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares an important reminder that we are all in some way working through our own life lessons.  We do it daily, and in many different ways at various times.

The purpose of learning life lessons is to learn, grow, evolve and expand the greater awareness of the universe.  This takes a tremendous amount of time and commitment on our part to remain focused and determined to complete what we came here to do.

If you are able to stop yourself from doing things the same way everyday, you will find an interesting pattern that limits our thoughts, feelings and intentions in a repeated way until we are done with the lesson.  As they say you can’t keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome . . . or can you?

ACTION= keeping ourselves busy and participating in life’s challenges by using our thoughts to figure it out, think in through or imagine it different.
REACTION= stopping ourselves from participating in life’s challenges by entering victim mode where we remain hopeless and helpless for prolonged periods of time.
DISTRACTION= avoiding the need to participate in life’s challenges by not paying attention to what is going on around you or within you.

So here the blessing in the lesson – if you are in REACTION, it means you have not taken ACTION in some way that would have benefitted you instead of creating a DISTRACTION to occupy your time and energy which takes you no where accept back to the beginning.  Some of us spend a lifetime figuring this one out this victim role identity.