1. Following the steps below your card reading will be custom made just for you.
  2. Trust that you will be blessed and benefit from the images and messages selected.
  3. Here are the definitions for the 6 cards you will be selecting.                                        With attention to what they represent, and using your own intention, they will offer you insights information and wisdom.Ascensial Soul Card Selection
  4. Personally select by picking a card number between 1-60 for each chakra
  5. Email the 6 numbers to me at:
  6. Please allow 3-5 days for your reading to be sent to you via email
  7. A paypal button is on the home page to place your order and make your payment

Here is what your email response will look like with your card reading.  You may also choose to purchase any individual cards that speak to you on a deeper level and use them to continue the healing journey they inspire.Ascensial Soul Card Reading copyIt’s that easy – and very affordable too.  Take your time selecting your numbers and trust that your images, messages and insights will be on their way!

Thank you so much for your interest in my Ascensial Soul Cards

Donna Hamilton

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