Blue Moon Alignment

Blue Moon Alignment
TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a revelation of essence and energy merging together into one whole light.  This phase of the moon is announcing the final stages of our inner being aligning itself to the source of creation in a whole new way.

When we are fully aligned to our truth, the reality of how we are living our life and sharing the journey with others opens our eyes to a greater awareness of love.  We are expanding our capacity to love beginning with self love and radiating out from there like a personal pebble in the cosmic pond of light.  We are radiant beings when fully activated.

CROWN CHAKRA=  female aligns perception to seeing the truth, male aligns intentions to being  truthful
THROAT CHAKRA= female aligns to hearing the truth, male aligns to speaking the truth
HEART CHAKRA= female aligns self love truth,, male aligns to truth about loving others
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA= female aligns to accepting her true feelings, male aligns to acknowledging others true feelings
SACRUM CHAKRA= female aligns to manifesting true passion, male aligns to true purpose
ROOT CHAKRA= female aligns to facing truth fearlessly, male aligns to truly free