Hare~Honey Bee~Humming Bird


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: asks us to take a look at our hard work and manifestation energy.  Are we still using the old program of ‘you have to work hard to get ahead?”  This is the way we keep our nose to the grindstone and never have a chance to look up or around to actually enjoy life.  How much do you do in a day that reflects the true joy and happiness you are longing for?

The time we spend with our focus on survival, success and service will reveal a lot about how much real life we have in the life we are living.  Just doing what is required to survive these days can make you exhausted and then the emptiness that comes with it.  Perhaps it is time to consider that how busy we keep ourselves may be the measurement of how desperate we are to avoid actually living the life we were designed to create!

So take a few moments and really look at your energy level – your busyness level – your happiness level and see if there is room for improvement or adjustment.

THE HARE= a wonderfully laid back day of eating greens and snoozing in the sun
THE HONEY BEE= a busy day of routine and missions to build up reserves
THE HUMMING BIRD= an intense day of seeking nectar but burning as fast you find it.

What Is Enough?


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: is all about enough.  When we feel we are complete and whole, there is an energy emitted that enhances the world we live in, both externally and internally.  The art of ‘enoughness’ is one of the hardest things for a soul to achieve.  We are designed to challenge ourselves beyond  endurance and most days beyond reason.

The energy of enough is quite flexible and changeable.  It is never the same and adjusts itself easily to whatever kind of day or experience you are having.  What can be more than enough for one person on any given day, may feel like less than enough to another as we all have our own version of what makes the moment we are in ‘enough’.

When we get to the place in our evolution where we no longer feel the need to weight, measure or compare ourselves to anyone else, the art of enough brings a sense of peace and contentment.  This is where we get to enjoy the fruits of our labour and the blessings and benefits of a life well lived, or a job well done.

I THINK ENOUGH= attuning to  thoughts that simply flow through without judging them
I FEEL ENOUGH= allowing feelings to guide us without rejecting them
I DO ENOUGH= acknowledging our efforts in all things without measurement
I HAVE ENOUGH= accepting what we have without competing
I SHARE ENOUGH= accumulating only what we need and offering the rest to others
I AM ENOUGH= awareness of self at the highest level with deep respect




Over the centuries, we have been gradually shifted in our awareness and consciousness to accept that we no longer have rights or freedoms.  These valued laws and sense of common decency have been altered gradually so as not to send up any red flags while being systematically re-written.

We have gone from a human race that has the freedom of choice, religion, beliefs, structure and focus, to a state run prison system where we pay for the privilege of being incarcerated.  We pay for the air we breathe (chem-trails), the water we drink (fluoride), the resources we depend on (toxic fuels) and the food we eat (GMO poison).  We support these systems with our hard earned wages and taxes by subsidizing them, then pay even more for the privilege of purchasing them so we can function.

But . . . the good news is, once we have an awareness of these things, we develop a sense of righteous indignation that leads to a new direction of releasing the need to support this illusionary prison.  We have the right to say no . . . to decline contributing, to consciously focus on a better way to live by coming together as a large collective group of passive resistance.  Aggressive resistance will only lead to more devastation and destruction of our human race.  The same way we have willingly supported the rise of oppression and deception – we can unravel it like an old sweater that takes a fraction of the time to pull it apart than it did to slowly knit it together.

RIGHT= a single belief in balance or fairness
WRITE= recording our beliefs from our own perception
RE-WRITE= changing our focus on what is important
RIGHTS= standing up for our truth in a peaceful way

I asked Source once about the definition of Human Rights . . .
And these were the answers:

Our Human Bill of Rights – by Donna Hamilton 1996 ©

  1. I have the right to exist in whatever physical form I have chosen to experience.
  2. I have a right to expression of that form through thoughts, feelings and emotions.
  3. I have a right to make choices for my own development and learning.
  4. I have a right to my own space and area to experience life in.
  5. I have a right to not share that space if I feel the need for solitude.
  6. I have a right to my opinion and my perception of myself and others.
  7. I have a right to pursue knowledge and growth that make me feel happy, loving and Whole.
  8. I have a right to express my feelings as part of my human nature.
  9. I have a right to my thoughts and the creations they inspire.
  10. I have a right to experience life through my attitude towards myself and others.
  11. I have a right to the friendships and relationships I choose to connect with.
  12. I have a right to pursue happiness in whatever form that takes.
  13. I have a right to be trusted as someone who seeks the highest no matter what path I choose.
  14. I have a right to be heard when I am feeling defensive, angry or sad.
  15. I have a right to be respected for my choices and ideas.
  16. I have a right to withdraw myself from people or circumstances that make me feel uncomfortable.
  17. I have a right to communicate with others of my choice without being judged or judging.
  18. I have a right to serve God in whatever form I choose to express that service in.
  19. I have a right to give or receive from others based on my willingness and intent.
  20. I have a right to accept or deny any or all of these rights within myself – but not for others