TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: helps us understand the intensity of what we are going through in this intense energy time.  We are being upgraded continually with the solar flares and celestial events all lined up in a pattern of accelerated energy waves.  These have been moving us forward on the evolutionary pathway of ascension for decades, but recently they are quantum leaping us with each wave.  Can you feel it?  Can you hear it? Can you remember why we are doing this?

Energy moves us internally and externally.  It is the motivation for us to grow, evolve, change and ultimately transform us from 3D to 5+D in the next few months.  Time has no longer any meaning as it is irrelevant to the forces of nature and the divine moving into this realm of creation on a whole new level. We are truly blessed to be here on this planet going along for the ride and even further – contributing to it happening.

For those that are awake and aware of our base energy components, we are chemical/electrical beings not unlike the computers we have seen developed over the last 50 years.  This is the energetic blueprint of how creation manifests and operates through these systems of numbers, symbols, dots & dashes, positive and negative charges that draw things together in form, or separate things from each other through rejection/ejection of form.  It can seem quite complicated . . . or maybe not?

Right now we are moving from being active in 2 strands of DNA (most humans) or 4 strands (most light workers/star-beings) to 6-8 strands being fully operational and accessible to us on the conscious level.  Formerly they were used at a very base level where we were not able to access our full library of DNA unless we were drugged or somewhat out of body at the time.  This will change in a very profound way after the Winter Solstice 2021.  The activation will be palpable – we will not miss the moment or the feeling of being charged with solar energy.

Some are currently (an electrical term) feeling overwhelmed and emotional about life and the challenges we are in.  The signs are overstimulation of thoughts, feelings and actions as we do more REACTING than acting.  We know better, Think better and do better once we align ourselves to the new energy shift.  This can take time and in those days or hours we move in and out of this energy while we adjust to it gradually.  It is hard to hold on to thoughts and feelings for more than a moment when these energy waves move through.  We remember . . . then we forget.  We recall the past but then immediately try to relate it to the future . . . a tiring experience that has us feeling predominantly exhausted.  Sitting still is difficult, focusing is almost impossible and sleeping is erratic at the best of times.  

If you are an active person – your energy will be on fire in a way that you want to move all the time and do things quickly without thought for accuracy or quality of activity.  Just keep moving, running and time line jumping to avoid all the excessive thoughts and feelings.  It can result in panic attacks, difficulty breathing, heart racing and foot taping . . . it is recommended that you take epsom salt baths to calm the energy to cope.

If you are an inactive person – you will feel overwhelmed, intense pressure, self doubt and self worth issues, fear of doing things and going places will be common as you build up an energy charge so huge it feels like you could explode at any moment.  Being sleepy all the time is common as well as constant skin eruptions or feeling fiery energy on the surface as the internal neurones are being charged with high levels of electrical energy that is not being burned off through activity.  This can be quite uncomfortable and it is recommended you bathe in Baking Soda to help neutralize the excessive energy until such time as you adjust to it.



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: is all about LOVE and how we share it or withhold it from our life experience.  So much of the time we THINK we are giving to others, when the truth is we have given it out of guilt, shame, or the need to be loved.  Our offerings are charged with a frequency of desperation or disrespect when we do not take the time to make sure we are in alignment with what we are doing.  If your heart is not resonating with the feeling of love when you are thinking of giving in or giving up, or gifting someone with something you THINK they would like, it is not received in the spirit or energy of love.  It is therefore energetically rejected and disrespected.  That response fills us with hurt to support our empty heart and keep it filled with the same hurt we have always had and FELT we deserved.

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and felt that warm, fuzzy, uplifted feeling of genuine love and acceptance?  The kind that happens when you see things in the world around you that resonates so powerfully and magically that you light up with awe and wonder.  We rarely have this feeling unless we choose to create it and allow ourselves to feel it.  Loving self is the only way to fill the well of wellbeing inside our heart.  When it is full of love, whatever we share from there will be a blessing to ourselves and others in endless ways.  It may not always be acknowledged or accepted by others, but it will eventually find a way to bless you both somewhere down the road of life’s journey.

Never FOR GET to FOR GIVE before you FOR SAKE your own feelings and limit what love can do in this world.
Love is designed to heal all wounds, cure all illnesses and clear all hurting hearts along the way.  That is the power of pure LOVE.  There isn’t a limit on how much we can love, or who we can love – the only limit is what fears,  conditions or judgments we place on each other.  And even then LOVE still resides within us waiting to help.  

FORGOTTEN= if we forgot to fill our heart with love before we gave or to make sure it was being given in the most benevolent way without terms or conditions on how it would be received (or not) it will be rejected.  Love when it is given is always a blessing and will be honoured and cherished in some way or form.  It may not be in that moment, but it will find a way to bless both the giver and the receiver at some point.

FORSAKEN= that feeling we have when we give to others for the sake of fulfilling their needs or dreams but in the process we FORSAKE our own feelings by giving from a heart that is filled with hurt.  This inevitably will cause a situation where there is resentment towards you for what you have shared or given.  It is devastating to think that we have given something (especially with all the conditions we attach to it) and someone has not received it, but rejected it instead.  More hurt for the heart . . . no love has been exchanged.

FORGIVEN= we are more likely to fill our heart with love and caring when we have risen above the life lessons, memories, debts and disagreements when we have made the conscious choice to forgive those who have trespassed against us in the name of soul growth and learning.  Being able to love someone requires a heart full of love and a commitment to clearing the Karma that may be shared between the two of you.



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reveals the process we go through in life to discover our destiny.  We are guided through the maze of options and opportunities to learn, grow and remember what we already know within our soul.  This process can be uplifting or devastating, depending on what the lesson/blessing is.  Once we realize what our own process is like and discover there is a rhythm and flow to it, we can move through the life lessons with more grace and ease.  The goal is to surrender to the lesson so it becomes the blessing it was designed to be.

Here are some of the steps we can go through as part of the normal energetic programs and patterns we have pre-selected to experience before incarnating.  Knowing we have set these obstacles/goals in front of ourselves helps us realize where there is a prior inspiration/idea/image we once held, it is inevitable we will keep returning to it until we have completed the purpose of what it is teaching us and why we chose it!

MESSENGER= the image or inspiration that is given to us at the perfect moment we are ready to enter into an adventure of discovery.  The messenger can come in many forms like dreams, daydreams, meditative viewing, music, words that others share both uplifting or hurtful (both can trigger a life lesson experience).  The messengers purpose is to deliver the wake up call and invite you to enter into the dance of discovery, with the intent to make it all the way through to a place of revelation.

MESS= the energetic quantum field where we initiate contact with what is needed to succeed in learning or remembering our life lesson.  This mess will usually come in the form of a conflict, a situation where fear is inhibiting our progress, or a judgment stands in the way of us discovering a very important truth about ourselves.  The ‘mess’ is what keeps us cycling through the illusion while we believe somewhere inside we are doing the right thing, and seeking the best outcome.  When the ‘mess’ gets ‘messy’ most souls fall down and surrender to the situation until it is clear which way we need to move to find our way out.  This can take minutes, hours, days, weeks or even years, depending on the level of challenge it presents us with.

MESSAGE= the discovery of what the lesson/blessing is all about.  That ah ha moment when it all comes together and clicks into place.  A revelation of truth along with a purpose and sense of completion that every soul enjoys arriving at.  This is the place where the pieces of your cosmic puzzle come together and fit beautifully in place.  It doesn’t matter that the image or picture might be abstract or blurry to begin with.  Sooner or later when all of the steps have been completed and our awareness is fully engaged the whole life lesson becomes CRYSTAL CLEAR.