TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: is all about the current global trend towards being gender neutral. It is a phenomena that is gaining momentum and becoming more of a collective focus than ever before. This is a challenge for each and every one of us to stand up and notice, or step up for our rights to a healthy world to live in.

With the use of Glycosphate being spayed in our atmosphere, in our water and in our food, the results are an increase in cellular changes that are undeniable in their presence. We are saturated with toxins and poisons that are distorting our original blueprint of health and wellbeing.

TRANSMISSION: the use of frequencies and toxins to alter the state of awareness and reality that we are living in. Our cell phones, TV’s, computers and hydro generators are all being used to alter our physical, mental and emotional state. This is not by Divine design, but by a minority of profit hungry individuals who will do anything to gain control of humanity in order to benefit from our illness and service to their needs.

TRANSFERANCE: the transfer of energy is being done through the subtle changes of our hormones and cellular data. Our bodies are designed to correct and heal themselves when it is done in a natural way through immunity and evolution. We are designed to adjust and evolve through sicknesses, plagues, viruses and bacterial infestations. We are not designed to do this with chemicals and additives that our body does not recognize as invaders until there is a saturation situation.

TRANSFORMATION: is our survival system kicking in and helping our cells to clear as much as possible while under the stress of supporting our normal body functions. This takes strength, patience, determination and faith that the process can work in time for us to survive the assault. We are created to transform what ever challenges us into a higher state of awareness and understanding. Let us hope this can happen in a reasonable amount of time if humanity is to survive and thrive.

TRANSGENDER: this is the result of the extreme distortions of hormones and cellular imprinting that comes with the use of Glycosphate. If you notice the trend that has been building and present for decades, you can see the progression of what it doing to our bodies and our being.

Women through the increase of ESTROGEN in foods, personal products, chemicals and vaccines are having to have their breasts removed as they become saturated with the toxic waste. They are no longer finding it easy to become pregnant and are having organs removed at an unprecedented rate due to malfunctions and deterioration of tissues.

Men in response to the increase in ESTROGEN are now growing breasts and having hormonal issues that they have not experienced before. They are super emotional and irrational in the battle between the mind of man who is no longer identifying with the masculine blueprint. This in part has led to the vast increase in disease of body and mind creating a high rate of suicide.
The youth of our times are being totally confused by their state of mind, body and spirit as they no longer identify with any one gender but stand in the illusion of not knowing who or what they are.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to take a deep breath in and out as we prepare to release the old patterning and programming that has been surfacing for healing. These qualities of self are outdated and ready for us to embrace a new level of awareness, with a deeper connection to the higher source of our soul. This is called the evolution revolution.

There are two processing power centres inside of us that are rarely in alignment as they are currently set to be opposite each other. The mind has been programmed for complicating things and the heart has been aligned to reacting to everything in a hurtful, painful, difficult way. This has given us lots of life experiences to draw from and evolve through, but now it is time to let them work together to create a more harmonious life.

Our thoughts (mind) and feelings (heart) are the manifestors of our judgements and fears. Life beyond judgment and fear becomes a natural flow of patience and peace that can embrace and endure all things in a loving way. In every moment we are choosing what we want to reflect in our world internally – and externally. What we send out returns to us.

HELP= the logical part of us that wants to share love
HEAL= the emotional part of us that wants to be loved
HATE= the logical part of us that believes in separation
HURT= the emotional part of us that believes in victimization


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON:  shares the way we are personally programmed at a very early age with our belief system and how we relate to others is embedded in our minds. At a very early age we take in the information being shared with us and form a defining algorithm that we use to base everything we believe and become from then on. Some of us have been pre-programmed since birth, others develop it within the first 5 years of life.

This program then forms the basis of our thoughts, feelings and actions that unfold as we grow and develop. The beliefs we have of ourselves come from our parents or caregivers. We form a sense of self from the way we are treated and addressed as someone of importance, or someone of insignificance. From there, our emotional self develops strategies for us to use in order to survive in our environment.

When we are cherished and adored – we develop a sense of self confidence and importance that will allow us to be more outgoing and inquisitive about life and how we live it. When we are treated as insignificant, we hold a low sense of self worth and and self esteem and spend the rest of our life trying to justify our existence and value.

Depending on which way you started out, you will have a lifetime to explore and develop a sense of who you are, and who you are in relation to others. Most relationships are designed to test us and help us evolve into a higher perception and version of ourselves through awakening and awareness of what works and what doesn’t, what is loving and what is not , and this will help us define and redefine ourselves all along the journey.

PERCEPTORS: is the way we see others in relation to ourselves and how they behave or act in our relationships will be affected by our perception.

RECEPTORS: are the way we see ourselves in relation to others and how we either blend in or stand out making us feel confident or uncomfortable. How close we allow others to get is greatly defined by this part of us.

REJECTORS: are the instinctive patterns that we use based on our personal programming from birth. We are constantly measuring or judging what is safe or unsafe in our world in relation to who we believe ourselves to be. Shutting down our heart and protecting ourselves from hurt seems to cause more of it to be attracted to us like a magnetic field. We learn to reject others instead of accept them, because we fear we are not acceptable or lovable – so we push them away to protect ourselves from hurt. This also pushes away opportunities, possibilities and blessings we are craving.