TODAY’S LIFE LESSONS is a series of channeled messages that assist us in focusing on daily life and how we create our current reality to learn from.

Every creation in our own personal world comes from the same formula of THOUGHTS+FEELINGS=CREATIONS.

This is a triangle of energy that is part of our blueprint that manifests our required lessons in life.  A positive thought may or may not be met with a positive feeling!  If we do not like how the thought feels, we will reject it and not follow it or do anything with it.

Sometimes we have negative thoughts that trigger negative feelings – and then we do follow them and create something hurtful or disappointing to experience. We do tend to learn the most important and valuable lessons this way and then make changes to our life journey based on recognizing what we don’t want.  Either way, we will learn our life lessons through challenges and changes as we go along.

Hopefully these daily messages will inspire you to think differently and feel intimately as you discover more clearly who you are as a soul on the journey of life.


Donna Hamilton
Spiritual Mentor & Teacher