Imagining A Whole New World


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: invites us to take a journey through the portal of time to a place and a race where all are equal and divine.  This place is a merging centre for the spiritual souls who are in alignment with their creator.  They encourage and nurture each other as a way of manifesting pleasure.

In this realm, there are many facets of light that invite each soul to develop to the greatest extent their inner desires and dreams.  This would bring forth the most benevolent race of individuals that respect, honour and cherish the life force that flows within all things as being of one source and one light.  The radiance of this world would light up the universe in a whole new way.

Take time today to bring your own level of inner radiance to a new level of comfort in realizing you are the source of your own dreams and desires, and from this place your source for everything you need to succeed will emerge.

IMAGE= a source for inspiration and insights
IMAGINE= the ability to see potential and possibility
IMAGERY= a way of communicating our essence and energy
IMAGINATION= the beginning of manifestation and creation