TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: Clarity comes from understanding and decoding the language that we speak each day.  The power of words is noticeably profound in not only the meaning, but the vibration of that word and what it is attached to.  So many words in our language are spelled the same, but are inherently very different in the way they are used or defined.

The word of Source helps us discern what words are loving and what words have been used to distort the concept of love and make it tempting for us to follow as it appears to be a better road or idea.  Many centuries of time and effort have gone into distorting the word of Source in order to deceive or destroy the connection we are meant to have and enjoy.

We hear many stories passed down through history of great Prophets that once walked the Earth and shared the words of Source in a way that uplifted and encouraged mankind to be loving, kind, fair and true.  This connection has been used by some to create a distraction from these qualities in the name of improving or replacing those words with similar ones.  These words are designed to distort and deceive those who do not have their own inner faith connection to Source as a way of life and liberty.

Todays coded words are:

PROPHET – A person who speaks by divine inspiration or as the interpreter through whom the will of a SOURCE is expressed.
This is the ancient way of passing the information from our Eternal Source to those who inhabit our planet and communities, where one of those within each community has the ability to tap into the inner realms of Source and use their gift to guide and uplift those who will listen.  The choice is and always will be a free will option that every soul is gifted with.  We can acknowledge or deny the words being shared.

PROFIT – A concept that has been developed to deceive and distract us from our connection to Source.  This illusionary idea is designed to place someone outside of ourselves in control of what we think, what we do and how we feel about ourselves in relation to Source.  An artificial value has replaced the ancient way we see ourselves and our world in relation to the power and grace of Source.  When man discovered there is profit in control, in deception, in limiting the beliefs and faith of humanity, there was a great divide created and maintained for millenniums.  As humanity turned to those who claimed to know the best and better way to live . . . our faith became a commodity to be used, traded, manipulated and profited from.  

We are now in a place where our hearts have aligned to the greater vision of what Source intended us to be and experience here on our beautiful planet.  The truth is being once again brought forward by those who have evolved enough to re-connect to Source and the higher truth and purpose for our Planet.  We are slowly being awakened to the reality that there is no reason for us to give away our free will to those who’s intentions are to PROFIT from our pain and suffering.  Keeping us in fear has maintained the illusion of life for far too long.  We are now ready to break free and recognize that each individual has the ability to be a PROPHET for Source and live a much more Divine life of freedom, faith and life through forgiveness of self and others.  We have made this choice  . . . the change is now unfolding.