TODAY’S LIFE LESSON – is an urgent message from the Source of Creation to all humanity and the current wave of uprising we are manifesting.  This is a time of great intentions and a sense of new direction.  The power of our unity is what makes the transformation more affect than ever.  Being of one heart, one mind and one vision is essential to the success of this movement.

What makes it more significant is that people have woken up to the game that is being played by the elite who have managed to control and manipulate the entire planet with very little force or effort.  This has been present for many millenniums and has been a great source of wealth, power and influence.  That game has now been terminated and the idea of FREEDOM FOR THE PEOPLE is spreading like a wild fire through the earth.  There are some rules of engagement that Source would like to share with those that are leading the way.  These are simple directions and when followed by the majority, will shorten the time of transition greatly.

The key to dissolving the residual power that is still making life challenging and stressful is to NOT REACT.  When news is heard and shared – it triggers a reaction inside those who listen.  This trigger stresses the soul and lowers the vibration immediately to a place where doubt, fear and worry take over the inner realms of your being.  Here is the way God/Source/whatever name you respect and use would like humanity to respond.  This will make all the difference and return the power to the people.

When you hear or feel things that are not loving, kind, fair or true – here is what Source would like us to do.  Instead of REACTING to the information, be SILENT.  Take 10 minutes and go within your own heart and soul.  What you do from there will make a WORLD OF DIFFERENCE.

FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN GOD – take the information and put it in your vision as a message tucked into the last chapter of the bible called REVELATIONS.  Close the book and hand it back to God . . . he will take care of it.  

FOR THE TRUCKERS WHO ARE GATHERED IN THE NAME OF FREEDOM – take the information and hold it inward as a great cargo you are carrying to the gates of HEAVEN.  Just see the vision of your cargo arriving safely – BE SILENT – SILENCE ALL TH E HORNS – HEAR THE SOUND OF FREEDOM!

FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN ANGELS AND GUIDES – take the information and hand it to the Angels for delivery to the LIGHT OF CREATION for TRANSFORMATION – this is the most important message you can share and take back the power of your human rights.

FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN MAGIC – take the information and hold it in the LIGHT OF CREATION until it is fully dissolved and transformed.

FOR THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN NATIVE TRADITIONS – take the information to the warriors circle and place it in the fire of your ANCESTORS for they know exactly what to do and are expecting your arrival any moment now.

FOR ALL OTHERS WHO ARE IN A PLACE OF AWAKE AND AWARE – please respect the power of SILENCE and just hold the space while the DEAFENING SOUND of SILENCE IS HEARD BY ALL.

10 minutes of silence – 10 minutes of inner power – 10 minutes to gain total FREEDOM.