TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: allows us the luxury of insights into our present life challenges and how we are working towards a greater awareness for humanity. Each soul has been challenged to go within and discover the past layers of memory that are bringing forward unresolved issues. These are the nuggets of gold that will bear the greatest fruits of abundance.

A memory that is left unresolved can continue to inspire and initiate life lessons that are repeating patterns and behaviours that have long been completed. Once they are completed – they need not be repeated. Surrender the experience you went through for clearing and unlock the wisdom that replaces it. We do not need to feel guilt or shame any longer.

Each soul is required to complete their own destiny. This comes from having played many roles, shared many moments of trials and tribulations, as well as enrolment in collective life lessons where many play a part in exposing the mysteries of life (or miseries) together. These are complex puzzle pieces that will continue to resurface until every piece has been accounted for and you are at ‘peace’ with it.

The more often you seek the inner experiences you have had and bring them to the light, the closer you get to dissolving them by resolving them. When a soul has the ‘ah ha’ moment where it all comes together and seems to finally make sense, you know you have arrived at the completion step. This step must be followed until you genuinely feel relief and an energetic release of all those involved in the manifestation of that life lesson.

Once a life lesson has been completed – then released, filtered through the heart of forgiveness for self and others, it becomes part of your blessings that replace the burden you have carried for so long. Truly worth the moment of surrender and feeling that state of serenity. Here is where love moves mountains and makes a new place for you to dwell in the light of creation.

SERVICE= the dedication of a soul to share their journey with others in a willingness to play the role of judgement, both good and bad. Both are required in order to see the world from both sides. This is the place where we draw strength from as we learn patience, tolerance and compassion.

SACRIFICE= the choice we make to surrender our power for a time and a season so we can live in a place where love seems lost. This is the illusion of being unwanted, unwelcome, unworthy and unloved by those that we share the journey with. We learn to forsake our own wants and needs ‘for the sake of others’ and in doing so suffer the loss of our own value and worth.

SURRENDER= the completion of our service and sacrifice where we wake up from the illusion and stand firmly in the light of creation with our willingness to heal wide open. We lay down our memories, illusions, misconceptions, failures, flaws and faults through the power of forgiveness. We are the ones that set ourselves free – we have held the key all along.