TODAY’S LIFE LESSON – is a reminder that we are truly created as a being of light through the essence of sound, vibration and frequencies that make up our molecular structure.  This physical form that we embody is held together with the combination of these energies and how we look, feel and function is a direct reflection of what level we are vibrating at.

SOUND= the audible levels of vibration that we can actually hear in the form of our voice, noice, music and resonance that happens between humans, animals, nature and the elements.  When we are not in harmony with one or more of these elements, we are in a state of imbalance that causes dysfunction and disharmony.  That is where the world is at these days – we are out of sync with everyone and everything including ourselves.

VIBRATION= the rate and speed we operate at in our daily living.  How well we are connected to our inner source of vitality and our outer source of supply.  When there is a shortage or excess of this exchange, it creates disharmony like we are an out of tune instrument that makes sound . . . but it doesn’t sound good . . . it sounds off, irritating, upsetting or offensive.  (Does this sound like humanity right now?)

FREQUENCY= the level of vitality we embody is directly connected and affected by the overall sound we vibrate at.  When you slow down the world and our busy minds we can actually tune into our own frequency and sound that sounds harmonious or various levels of discord.  Each and every cell of our body/being is designed to vibrate and resonate with the level of health and wellbeing we are living in.  The lower the frequency, the lower the vibration, the lower the vitality and the lower the immune system becomes so it barely functions.  Humanity is being bombarded with low level frequencies that pull our vibration down and our vitality with it.  This is how dis ease is created.  It is done through the basic principles of LIGHT, SOUNDS, VIBRATION AND FREQUENCIES.  

There are many ways of raising your vibration that can be done internally, mentally, physically and emotionally.  Learning how to do this for yourself is essential if you want to have a healthier body/being.  Listening to the works of Rife and all the frequency tones he discovered in his research and studies can really open up your eyes and awareness to the world of VIBRATION and how easy it can be for us to HEAL and be WHOLE.  


TODAYS LIFE LESSON: brings a real clarity to the times we are moving through. Our inner spirit is creating opportunities to re-evaluate what is is real, what is important and what is valued in our world. Part of the challenge we are facing is to determine where we choose to stand in the light of our own truth or in the shadows of the present illusions.

The old way of processing invites us to maintain the status quo of obedience to another power. The new way invites us to embark on what our soul has known for an eternity. The future of uncertainty invites us to stand strong in our faith or give in to the ancient power of fear. So the choices we are making now will define the direction we move in. REVOLUTION or EVOLUTION? Which will it be or will it involve both. ?

Here is how we can navigate the pathway to our best destiny-

SERVICE= the thoughts, feelings and actions we contribute each day build a framework and foundation for a new direction based on our own conscious choices.

SACRIFICE= the old memories, programs and beliefs we hold that tell us to give up or give in to a lower realm of power that uses us without regard for our wellbeing.

SURRENDER= the moment we no longer feel obligated to serve those who would sacrifice us without hesitation for their own purpose and profits. Declaring our own sovereignty and worthiness is the key to ultimate freedom for self and humanity.