
TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: Reveals the process we all go through as we search for our inner truth and divine plan. Our soul is on a quest for the return to our former power and glory as a divine being. Each of us have created many experiences that add to our personal story and move us ever forward into our higher awareness with a deeper connection than ever before. The quest for unconditional love takes many forms in many lifetimes as we evolve and learn life lessons.

The steps we go through can take lifetimes to complete. Each part of our research and experimenting requires the commitment of self along with the commitment of others to make it happen. It is a team effort for sure . . . and the team must all agree to evolve through these experiences in order to discover the myriad of facets that love can reveal through the process. These facets are all a part of what is known as conditional love.

In these times we are living in, humanity is experiencing the epitome of the absence of love. It is as far away as we can get and still be connected to the source of our creation. We are collectively manifesting every possible contradiction and contrast to what love is. The virtual reality of CONDITIONAL LOVE and what it feels like to be so disconnected that we forget who we are and why we are.

OBSESSIVE LOVE= the idea that we need something or someone in order to be loved. The focus remains on obtaining things and people in our lives to feel connected or complete – this leads to rejection and feeling unloved. Many who have acquired wealth, things, and status are incredibly unhappy people.

COMPULSIVE LOVE= the repeated patterns of choosing the same type of relationship that we have been living in and hoping we can actually get it to work if we try hard enough or repeat it often enough. Some would call this the definition of insanity . . . and perhaps they are right. No amount of disrespectful or dysfunctional behaviour will ever bring a happy ending.

ABUSIVE LOVE= the desire to enter into a relationship that will validate all of the reasons we don’t love ourselves. These relationships are designed to give us the broken hearted experience where we feel responsible for the other persons happiness at the expensive of our own. This is the most painful of relationships on all levels – physically, mentally and emotionally.

RECLUSIVE LOVE= is designed to help us experience the feeling of separation to the furthest degree. We isolate ourselves further and further until the presence of love is in total absence from our experience. The idea that no love is better than hurtful love inspires us to live far away from friends and loved ones who were the source of great hurt or betrayal. The idea is that we are better off this way . . . but time alone will teach us otherwise and only the discovery of self love will end the cycle.