TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to take a deep breath in and out as we prepare to release the old patterning and programming that has been surfacing for healing. These qualities of self are outdated and ready for us to embrace a new level of awareness, with a deeper connection to the higher source of our soul. This is called the evolution revolution.

There are two processing power centres inside of us that are rarely in alignment as they are currently set to be opposite each other. The mind has been programmed for complicating things and the heart has been aligned to reacting to everything in a hurtful, painful, difficult way. This has given us lots of life experiences to draw from and evolve through, but now it is time to let them work together to create a more harmonious life.

Our thoughts (mind) and feelings (heart) are the manifestors of our judgements and fears. Life beyond judgment and fear becomes a natural flow of patience and peace that can embrace and endure all things in a loving way. In every moment we are choosing what we want to reflect in our world internally – and externally. What we send out returns to us.

HELP= the logical part of us that wants to share love
HEAL= the emotional part of us that wants to be loved
HATE= the logical part of us that believes in separation
HURT= the emotional part of us that believes in victimization