TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares an intimate view of ourselves and what we gain our strength from in difficult times.  Each of us are being tested to the limit of our endurance and then some.  It is the expansion of our soul and our ability to learn, grow or remember the things that are important to our soul’s  level of happiness.  The more we struggle the lower we vibrate.  The more we surrender the lighter we become.  It is a delicate act of balance that brings us closer to the place of inner peace.

Remind yourself that  ‘I am the one who is in charge of my rate of growth.  I have the right to repeat things as many times as I choose to in order to gain the most benefits from what I am learning.’  It is a brilliant moment when we stop the cycle and view it from a place of what is in here that I am so willing to suffer for that I keep holding on to it.  That is the insightful part of us that steps forward and reveals the truth about what has been taking place in order for us to benefit from it at soul level. When we release – there is instant relief.

If we are judging others, blaming others, criticizing others in any way, it tells us that we are doing this to ourselves first.  We never give anything we don’t already have so this is called a revelation when we reveal to ourselves through our thoughts and feelings about others how we are holding on to the similar, or the same things within ourselves.  The gift comes when this is done with love instead of judgment or fear.  Honouring the difference is a quantum field of vibration higher than we are now.  Be ready to grow . . . and forgive that part of you that chose the lessons you did to get where you need to be.

MYSELF= a state of awareness where ownership of all things creates breakthrough.
MY SOUL= the self respect that we develop as we accept full responsibility for our creations
MY SOURCE= a divine awareness that we only experience what we are committed to doing/being in order to grow