TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares an amazing revelation about our soul’s journey and the times we are living in.  We are being shown the ways and means of self transformation at an unprecedented rate.  Today this message was given to me as a gift of awareness that has changed my perception of life and how I have been living it.

I have always been a person who would drop everything for someone who was in need or called for advise or assistance.  I would set aside anything that I was doing or planning in order to help them get through their moment.  Most times this would be a simple request for me as I am incredibly gifted in seeing answers for others and envisioning resolutions that would help them find the answers or the make important decisions.  In the end though . . . it only taught them to depend on me and to feel less worthy of their own blessings by finding the answers within themselves.

This is how we get ourselves into a place of disconnection.  When we help others who do not help themselves – we feel important in the moment but then end up being resented as the person moves forward following our guidance instead of their own.  This usually ends up complicating the issue or situation and we can be the brunt of their disappointment and dissatisfaction in life.  Not a place I like to be in, especially with friends or family.  So I have learned to be silent and supportive instead.  I like to encourage without giving direction and to offer suggestions without obligations to follow them in any way.  This has turned out to be so much better for all concerned.

Here is how we get ourselves caught up in the chaos of life so easily – without even realizing it!

EMERGENCY= when we feel other peoples issues are more important than our own and drop everything to engage in helping them get through at any cost.  My revelation is that this word is actually an encoded moment where we get to shift our awareness and help not only ourselves, but each other through that moment into a higher state of awakening and awareness of what is really going on!  This encoded word is actually EMERGE – AND – SEE.  . . .   come out of our your state of panic, confusion, dependency, urgency and rise above the moment to see what it is showing you, teaching you and revealing to you that will change you and your life forever!

EMERGING= that moment when we stop panicking and take a breath, slow down and focus our attention on what is really happening and what the message is that is trying to reach us in this way that is so intense we are being shocked into seeing it?  EM – ERGING (I am urging you) to see things through different eyes, through a different lens where things are clearer and more focused in a way that reveals a truth you have been missing or denying that makes you unhappy, unhealthy or unworthy of love.

EMERGED= is the moment beyond time and space where you finally get to take the blessing being given and see it is only trying to help you and heal you in a very profound way.  This state of awareness is called Grace.  A quiet and powerful moment where we are E-MERGED ( I merged ) with my higher self and my enlightened state of being where all things are created equal and divine which is fully aligned to the collective conscience of the  Great I AM.   We are in that place that we call Heaven on Earth and as a soul we are changed forever.