TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: takes us back to the moment of the Original Creation where the Source of our being experienced FEELING for the first time and in response to that vibration, EJECTED it out into the void.  That part of Source that was FEELING reacted by feeling REJECTED.  So since that time we have been living in the illusion that we are not wanted, loved or desired by our Creator.  This has played itself out in the form of FEAR and JUDGEMENT as we seek to re-unite all of ourselves back together into ONE vibrational being.

What followed is the result of this experience where we felt rejected, then as time went on it developed into dejected where we judged and fear ourselves as part of the research and development of our collective consciousness.  Love has always had a way of playing the part of teaching us about extremes as move from the place of feeling rejected to being the one to reject others.  This pendulum has taught us the value and resilience of what love and experience and yet still remain the most desirable state of being.  Now in this part of the evolutionary journey, we are awakened to the game and how it is played so we can forgive each other, our Source and our Soul.

No more judgement – no more fear of being:

EJECTED= sent out into the void to experience love and life in a separate state
REJECTED= feeling that we don’t belong, not good enough, or chronically incomplete
DEJECTED= believing we are unworthy, unwelcome, unloved by others


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: has spirit asking a profound question of our unconscious being.  “What If?”  this is a powerful moment when the light of creation brightens up the inner illusions and lets us have a clear view of what we are manifesting and what part of our soul is leading us in the direction we are going.

The WORRIER wonders what if things don’t happen the way we want them to, in the time we have imagined, or with the outcome we expected?  What if I FAIL?  What will happen to me – how will I trust that I am ok or that I have value and purpose? This allows fear to inhibit growth and limit our potential.

The WARRIOR will focus on making plans and hold visions of what if I just trust that everything is working in my favour, everything is teaching me something that makes me stronger, wiser and more aware of my purpose and potential.  I can develop new skills, ideas and possibilities if I simply follow my vision.

The WIZARD has the perception and intention of what if I  hold a vision long enough for it to become crystal clear and from there establish very quickly that knowing the outcome no matter what it is, will create an experience to learn from and evolve through which will expand my faith in who I am.

The WAY-SHOWER simply shows up to every moment with what if I follow my heart that is aligned to the collective purpose of finding various ways to experience and explore love in whatever form that takes without judgement or fear.

So with each and every life challenge, it is good to step back and review who is in charge, who am I being, what am I trusting and WHAT IF that is all it takes to love myself unconditionally?.


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to take a look at how much fun we are having.  When was the last time you did something just for the fun of it?  Not to accomplish something specific, not to do something out of boredom, not to fill time because that was better than nothing, just a real good sense of having something to do that nourished your soul?  So much of our daily life now is scheduled beyond what we can fit in.  The busyness of life has taken over the quality of life and given it a stress level that none of us can keep up with.  So what is fun?

Remember when you had time to just day dream?  and out of that daydream came the simple ideas of making a difference, or creating something special?  Can you remember how it felt to just be in the moment with all kinds of time to let it develop like an old photo?  Our digital age has taken away so much of the process we used to go through to ‘develop’ something worthwhile and feel so proud of ourselves and what we were able to create out of a simple idea.  Well maybe it time to give ourselves the luxury of doing that more often.

Having time, planning time and making time is something we need to do more often if we want to feel in anyway contented or fulfilled in our lives.  Perhaps the first step to that project is to revisit some of the dreams you had when you were younger.  Ideas you were passionate about, or things that you were so convince you would be able to achieve but have not made the time for them to be realized are still awaiting your heart to follow that path.

IDEAS= the simple pleasures of knowing we can create something special
DREAMS= the unreal world that helps us bring our ideas into reality
IMAGINATION= the inner child and its unending desire to make something where there is nothing
PASSION= the deep inner desire to complete and fulfill our true purpose that drives us forward to achieve