TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares an important reminder that we are all in some way working through our own life lessons.  We do it daily, and in many different ways at various times.

The purpose of learning life lessons is to learn, grow, evolve and expand the greater awareness of the universe.  This takes a tremendous amount of time and commitment on our part to remain focused and determined to complete what we came here to do.

If you are able to stop yourself from doing things the same way everyday, you will find an interesting pattern that limits our thoughts, feelings and intentions in a repeated way until we are done with the lesson.  As they say you can’t keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome . . . or can you?

ACTION= keeping ourselves busy and participating in life’s challenges by using our thoughts to figure it out, think in through or imagine it different.
REACTION= stopping ourselves from participating in life’s challenges by entering victim mode where we remain hopeless and helpless for prolonged periods of time.
DISTRACTION= avoiding the need to participate in life’s challenges by not paying attention to what is going on around you or within you.

So here the blessing in the lesson – if you are in REACTION, it means you have not taken ACTION in some way that would have benefitted you instead of creating a DISTRACTION to occupy your time and energy which takes you no where accept back to the beginning.  Some of us spend a lifetime figuring this one out this victim role identity.



Wake up feeling like a 10 Today









Today’s Life Lesson: has us waking up on all levels.  It begins with our state of mind from the moment we open our eyes.  If you want your day to be the best that it can be, then you need to consciously create that state of grace from the moment you open your eyes. Be a 10 right now!

Every day is a new day and what we do with that day is up to us.  If the previous day was not your best friend, then it is even more important to make the correction during your sleep state by asking soul self to find the most benevolent solution while you rest.

Before you open your eyes in the morning – visualize the day ahead with all the blessings and benefits you need to succeed.  This will set the vibration to a higher level than if you just jump out of bed and carry on where you left off the night before.  Be thankful – be grateful – be mindful and heartful that you are worthy of the blessings your day will bring.  All else leads to a path of progressively downward spiral that ends up in a hurtful place.

1-3   = I am broken, bruised and feeling bad about myself
4-7   = I am mending, bending and standing stronger
8-10 = I am surviving, thriving and living my own life

So wake up every morning and BE A 10 no matter where you left off the day before.