TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: features all of the steps we go through to experience life in the full spectrum of what it has to offer.  Every thought and feeling we have must come together in alignment for us to manifest anything we desire.  When it happens in a loving way, we enjoy the creation of very joyful, peaceful and happy outcomes.  When it happens in an unloving way – we experience loss, loneliness, hopelessness and sorrow.  Both have value in helping us develop discernment and right of choice.  Once you decode your experience in a more thoughtful, loving way, you become the observer of what is taking place and then proceed to make changes where you feel uncomfortable.  This is called CONSCIOUS CREATION.

ACTION = thoughts we have about life and how we live it
REACTION= feelings we have in response to our thoughts
EMOTION= memories we associate from our past experiences
DISTRACTION= ideas of how to express, excuse or justify ourselves
CREATION= the conclusion we come to and how we proceed
ATTRACTION= our vibrational signal we create to manifest our conclusions



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: has us taking a very intimate (in-to-me-see) journey to discover how we do what we do, and how we get what we get from our own personal processing methods.  The formula to create life experiences is always the same, however the outcome and income are uniquely different for each of us.

We are designed to embody the vastness of the universe and all of the options and opportunities it offers us in the way of creating ways of learning and evolving.  Within the vastness of options the formula for processing is done through the pendulum of thoughts and feelings working individually, and then collectively together to manifest our full potential.  This is what is called the collective consciousness, where we not only learn as individuals, but contribute what we learn to the sum of the whole as a community of light beings.  This is called the COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS.

The mind is designed as an intake portal for endless thoughts and ideas to enter into our vibrational reality.  This processor is called MORTAL MIND which is limited to the willingness of each individual to work with the thought, or to reject it as part of our FREE WILL rights. Each chakra energy centre contributes to this process starting at the third eye all the way down to the root chakra.  The challenge is not to get stuck using only one or two processors, but to allow the use of all of them to help complete the concept.

MENTAL MIND= our human processor that brings in thoughts from the collective
MORTAL MIND= our memory processor that filters what we are ‘willing’ to learn
MONKEY MIND= our child mind that would rather play around with possibilities
MISERY MIND= our recording mind recalling hurtful things that happened in the past
MESSY MIND= our emotional mind that reacts to everything excessively
MASTERY MIND= our higher self mind that comes to conclusions to live with



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: gives us a sneak peek into the world of peace beyond all of our current challenges.  We are experience a higher than normal volume of issues and attitudes that can be quite upsetting and overwhelming to the human soul.  Each time we feel we have mastered a new level of awareness, another layer presents itself for us to view and review until we understand the potential wisdom being offered to help us heal.

It is safe to say that never before has there been as much on our plate and in our face as there is right now.  Just as it feels like we should be entering into the land of luxury and leisure, we are propelled into the field of toil and labour again.  To some this will seem like a betrayal of our faith and service, but just hold on a little longer and you will begin to see the signs of relief and restoration unfolding right before your eyes.

If you are feeling angry – don’t ignore it – allow it to surface and find a way of venting it so you can release it into the universal energy realms for transformation.  If you are still playing many roles by acting out your illusions on the stage of life with lots of support from other actors and reactors – step off the stage by taking your final bow and accepting credit for a part well played that has taught you so much about illusionary living.

If you are in the place where you have truly been there . . . done that . . . learned the lesson and are simply ready to relax into the blessings of life, then you have completed your trials and tribulations and can retire your warriors role for a quiet life of living in the flow and loving your soul.

RAGE= the inner confinement that fear and judgment limit us to
STAGE= the outer world of illusionary living where we act out our judgments and fears
SAGE= the higher self fully awake and aware of the game of life and living it in love