What We Teach Our Children

Maternal Blessings

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: teaches us that we have been interfering in the most fundamental way with what we teach our children.  Instead of introducing them to their own connection to source (God) we step in and block the most sacred of all guidance systems by not assisting our children in being fully connected to the source of creation.

We teach them at a very early age to – listen to me, follow me, pay attention to me . . . and what we should be focusing our loving energy and compassion for our precious little ones is this:

LISTEN TO YOUR HEART –  it knows your life plan and holds the divine blueprint for your entire life’s journey including the challenges and how to resolve them.
FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS –  they can guide you to your destiny by revealing hidden secrets of your soul and how you can see yourself through the eyes of love.
PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR INNER VOICE – where the answers come from a place where your own soul will learn and grow and flourish through the journey of life.

Life Is FFFFing Amazing!

Transformational Door

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: whispers words of encouragement to help us find our way to the next level of awareness.  We are on the right path, heading in the right direction with the right intentions, so lets keep the momentum going!  Here is a simple formula to follow that will inspire you to see that life is FFFFFing amazing – and that is meant in a very good way!

FACE YOUR FEAR= fear designed to challenge us to grow
FOLLOW YOUR FEELINGS= our built in GPS for success
FIND YOUR FAITH= follow your own hearts desires
FEEL THE FREEDOM= life beyond fear of failure
FLOW ABUNDANTLY= conscious creation