Celebration copy

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: compliments those who are still hanging in there with all of the turmoil that is raging around the world.  It takes a great deal of courage and commitment to hold the light when so much is happening to make it fade.  This too shall pass as we remember the invincible inner light we carry and that it is eternal.

Let the world be your halo of love and affection.  Don’t engage directly, but learn to emanate your light radially.  In your meditations, see the glow of your light illuminating everything and everyone around you in a haze of glory.  This silent gift of love will soften even the most hardened of hearts from the inside out.

At times when there are no words to describe how we feel about the chaos and the destruction, we are given the blessing of diffusing this energy with a simple heart felt prayer for peace and protection.  Surround yourself with the light of grace, fill yourself with the blessing of peaceful power, and elevate yourself to a higher plane of awareness that transcends all harmful vibration of energy.

SURROUND YOURSELF WITH THE LIGHT OF GRACE= this is our personal right and ability to keep the balance of love within us when all else is in its chaotic cycle.

FILL YOURSELF WITH THE BLESSING OF PEACEFUL POWER= we have the ability to embrace or conquer all things we have created or requested.  That is how we evolve and grow as a soul.

ELEVATE YOURSELF TO A HIGHER PLANE= a place where we are safe, secure and serene while all others are in a state of chaos or destruction.  We have the ability and the right to choose where we will be during these cycles.

Celebrating Mothers

See My Soul


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares an intimate view of the complicated relationships between mothers and daughters.  They are the reflection of love and light in its most benevolent form.  The life they share together is one of building, repairing or developing a trust in each other that may never be fully realized or understood.

A mother shares her body during the time she carries an infant as it develops its own life force and personality.  That tiny being is already a part of her that will never fully understand how much it took to make that journey.  Some women make it with the support of all their family and a world of friends who wish her well.  Some women make that journey with very little assistance to honour or celebrate her efforts to bring forth new life.  Neither one is more precious than the other.

A life, no matter how successful or troublesome in may be is still a gift of spirit to a world that relies on the diversity of souls to make it complete.  Each and every child is a gift of creation, a unique piece of the cosmic puzzle that makes humanity so worth experiencing.

MOTHER= a woman who gave life a soul on the journey of discovering love
CHILD= a soul who chose to come and share their journey with or without love
FAMILY= a circle of souls who are tasked with learning to love all types of children

What We Focus On

Elemental Fire


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: has us checking in with our own self to see what level of action and reaction we are focused on.  Some days its the little things that make us crazy, and other days the bigger picture has us standing back pondering what our next move will be.  This broad spectrum of options and opportunities make life very interesting.

With the current energy changes and amplifications it is easy to be engaged in a constant flow of emotional turmoil where our reactions are not only over the top, but totally out of character.  In those moments when you recognize you are in an elevated state of being, it is important to bring your focus back to what really matters.

We always have a choice of where we are spending our time, efforts and energies.  To shift focus back to the moment we can simply follow our breath and go within to a place of sanctuary energy in stillness and serenity. Reseting ourselves to what is important makes such a difference to the kind of day we will have.

MOOD MAKER= a reaction to what we are thinking
HEART BREAKER= a reaction to what we are feeling
SOUL SHAKER= a reaction to what we are doing