Celebrating Maya Angelou – A Phenomenal Woman

Maya Angelou

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a celestial celebration of a most phenomenal woman.  It is rare that our world of war and chaos stops to consider the life of just one soul that is worth  remembering. The life that was and is our beloved Maya Angelou is such a soul.  One who in her own gentle way leaves a lasting impression on family, friends and even strangers she has never met.

God describes this soul as a force of nature, a peaceful warrior and a leader in times of uncertainty.  A way shower to a struggling generation, an inspiration to the lost and lonely.

Goddess describes her as a firefly in a world of darkness.  The firefly is a joyful spark in the dark who’s radiant light is magical and beautiful in its simplicity.  It does not live to light the world – it simply does what it is created to do.  Maya was not afraid to be what she was, or even do what she did – she just lived from her heart and shared that loving light that made her so special.

FIRST OF ALL= to thine own self she was true
MOST OF ALL= she loved unconditionally & endlessly
LEAST OF ALL= she was the light she was created to be
LAST OF ALL= she embraced the world as a blessing

Imagining A Whole New World


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: invites us to take a journey through the portal of time to a place and a race where all are equal and divine.  This place is a merging centre for the spiritual souls who are in alignment with their creator.  They encourage and nurture each other as a way of manifesting pleasure.

In this realm, there are many facets of light that invite each soul to develop to the greatest extent their inner desires and dreams.  This would bring forth the most benevolent race of individuals that respect, honour and cherish the life force that flows within all things as being of one source and one light.  The radiance of this world would light up the universe in a whole new way.

Take time today to bring your own level of inner radiance to a new level of comfort in realizing you are the source of your own dreams and desires, and from this place your source for everything you need to succeed will emerge.

IMAGE= a source for inspiration and insights
IMAGINE= the ability to see potential and possibility
IMAGERY= a way of communicating our essence and energy
IMAGINATION= the beginning of manifestation and creation

White Buffalo Woman Returns

White Buffalo Woman - Spirit Self

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: challenges us to return to the basic principles and laws of nature to allow the natural forces of the earth to restore balance.  There will come a time when the point of balance is so delicate, that it barely holds the thread of existence  in place.  This reality is on the brink of such a shift and the time for focusing on allowing the healing to happen in every heart on earth is now.

With the visions and dreams of our Elders, came the focus and intentions that were adopted by all who committed themselves to live out to the fullest of their potential.  This powerful energy is in alignment with the flow of abundance, bringing the  increase of vibrational life forces that will replace the old patterns of aging and aggression.  A more youthful and joyful earth will be abound with new energies, colours,  light and the concept of conscious creation for all to enjoy.

Holding the vision of this return of the feminine divine in her Native embodiment will herald a new dawn and a new day for humanity.  The white buffalo are symbolic of the purification of the kingdoms of heaven and earth in their most benevolent forms as they finally unite into one unified whole.

RENEW= the new beginning of the next phase of expansion & evolution
REFRESH= a new pattern & program for manifestation
RESTORE= experiencing the return of balance & abundance for all