A New Level Of Compassion

The Real Me


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that we are all here to share the experience of discovering yourselves through interacting with each other.  We play support roles in every way as we co-create a new world out of our research from the shadow world.  It is time to consider what ways we are able to graduate and move on to a higher level of respect – both for ourselves, and each other.  This will bring such a joyous relief to the world we inhabit.

One of the hardest things for us as humans to understand, is the need for every soul to be seen and heard.  This is not an optional experience, but a necessary one that allows us to witness our reflections in each other where we make the conscious choice to change and grow, or to stubbornly stay the same.  It is inevitable that we will eventually grow . . . but some of us like to make a career out of taking our time to allow it.

It is essential that we observe what others have to say and not because we are obligated to agree or disagree.  This is not an endorsement of what they say or think – but an acknowledgement of their right to be heard.  This is part of our new level of compassion where we no longer judge or reject each other based on opinions.

LISTEN= the ability to pay attention to each other
HEAR= the willingness to allow others to express themselves
HEARD= the feeling of acceptance without judgment

The Dreamer In Me

The Dreamer Me


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to reconnect with the inner dreamer who holds the vision of guiding us to wonderful places yet undiscovered.  These magical places are birthed within our own minds and hearts as we seek to find the place of peace and contentment inside where we are joyful and happy.

Happiness is an inner state of grace where we are at one with all of our parts and at peace with how we fit into the cosmic puzzle.  Without us – the universe would be incomplete.  We are intrinsically part of a cosmic force that requires us to be fully present in order for there to be balance.  Finding that point of balance inside our soul is the most important of all tasks we are here to achieve.

The dreamer is a powerful source for discovering what may still be out of balance or requiring our undivided attention to allow our soul to blossom into the fullness of our power and potential.  Learning to listen to the dreamer can take some patience and tolerance of various parts of ourselves that can play a game of hide and seek.  The joy of finding them takes us back to childhood where the days of play and laughter still echo in our hearts.

VISIONS= the potential we see in ourselves
DREAMS= the possibilities we create for ourselves
ILLUSIONS= the portraits we paint to hide ourselves

Celebrating The Earth Heart



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the intimate wisdom of the Universe as we celebrate a day that reflects eternal love.  We are all in a place of awakening to the inner divine nature of our spirit.  Through this process, we evolve and develop a deeper relationship with all things of a divine nature.  This includes everything that is and all the ever will be.

Open your heart and your arms today to receive the infilling of love at a level you have not witnessed before.  Not the commercial kind of love that simply shares one day of acknowledgement, but the eternal level of love that will uplift you to levels forgotten by your soul for a long time.  Embrace the unconditional love of creation from which you were birthed.

Let your physical, mental and emotional bodies radiate with a new awareness and fullness that will bless you abundantly on all levels as you reunite with all that you are. Your ability to love is not complete until you experience all of these levels of love.

HEAVENLY BODY= your original source of creation
EARTHLY BODY= your temporary state of grace
EVERY BODY= your celestial family here with you