The Reinstatement of Alpha Male

Eternal Love


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: encourages us to consider that there is a gap of energy absent in our current human experience that has been missing for a long time.  The role of alpha male has been dormant in the shadows of war and destruction for far too long.  It is time to reawaken ourselves to the desire for alpha male and his patriarchal powers.

Within all humans, there is a balance of energy that is required to feel complete.  When this balance is present, we have the blessing of awareness in action that allows both the male and the female to contribute equally to the sum of the whole (soul).

What has been seriously lacking in our energy field is the presence of truth, honesty, integrity and the desire for equality through divine support, encouragement and freedom to live our full potential.  When the male is present in all his infinite power, there is a sense of security and safety for all the inhabitants of our world.  When the alpha male is absent, there is a darkness that supports deception, war and a misuse of power that threatens everything and everyone.

Alpha Male qualities include:
HONESTY= an open hearted reflection of truth and fairness for all
INTEGRITY= the ability to represent your divine rights with gentle passion
DIVERSITY= an appreciation and respect for the differences we all represent

Winter Wolf Moon

Clan Memories


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to look at the fullness of our future and see the blessings of the ages that are unfolding.  We are in a phase of creation where the wilderness of our dreams is beginning to call into being the truth of what we desire.  The spirit of the lone wolf has been guiding us deeper and deeper into our own hearts sanctuary where the real part of our soul is awakening. We have walked away from so many partnerships, friendships, and relationships in pursuit of this destiny.

Each time we take an inner journey to the place where there is only the wild spirit of our true nature, we discover a part of ourselves that is longing to be set free.  The challenge is to listen without feeling in some way overwhelmed by what absolute freedom would mean.  We are so used to the social and political boundaries that have been set in place for centuries, that the thought of living outside those boundaries can be intimidating.

The spirit of the wolf moon adds a full dimension of possibilities that we can at least consider what life is going to be like when we allow our soul to live free and clear of all fears and judgements, conditions and criticisms.  To once again follow our true soul’s desires and lift our sights to a higher level of freedom for all.  First the vision – then the direction will be shown to us as the future unfolds a realm of unlimited creation.

VISUALIZE= holding the image of what your heart desires
EMPATHIZE= understand the significance of what that will create
REALIZE= manifest the true reality that you are destined to live in

Spending Time In Your Sacred Space

Sacred Space


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: invites us to spend some personal time reviewing our state of grace and being.  This is a time when we are being shown the blueprint of the future where we are in a much higher state of resonance with creation.  In order to live in this place, we must first find a way to relate to it in a comfortable way. By going on vision quests or meditative journeys to your own sacred space frequently, you will find a natural order of events unfolding that help you evolve into the next level of awareness.

There are two ways we can approach our position in the vibrational realms.  One is by testing our RESONANCE REACTOR and the other is by observing our REACTION RESISTER.  Both of these energy tests will indicate how you are integrating the daily challenges in the old way  –  or the new way.

The new way is to think BLISS.  This is the highest form of happiness that we can embody here on planet earth.  When we are predominately aligned to bliss energy, we clearly resonate with it and in fact the physical body will REACT with a rush of internal energy that radiates all the way to the surface in what some call goose bumps.  So in effect, your thought of BLISS is being confirmed on all levels of your being through this exercise.

The old way is to react to things that are familiar and repeat the same thought/feeling pattern by a vibration that is low and slow.  You will not have a sense that there is any reaction at all, you will feel a very distinct presence or resistance to being happy.

SADNESS= tears of hurt and pain from the past
ANGER=  words judgement and fear from the past
GUILT=  silence and avoidance of the past

The new way is so much more intense and obvious so we are not left wondering if we are in alignment or not.  When the body systems resonate with the truth and love, there is a definite awareness that is present.

LOVE= a radiance sensation within the body, mind & soul
JOY= an eminence that is undeniable on all levels – self, soul, source
BLISS= a sensation of vibration that emanates from within and all around