
TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: Asks you if you have ever considered that you are wiser than you will ever know, more powerful than you can possibly perceive and more beautiful than you can ever imagine.  It is up to you to simply allow this to be revealed not only to yourself, but to the world you inhabit.  With this shift in your own reality, comes a shift inthe real world you are creating.  It is all a part of what makes life worth living and living worth the effort it takes to experience it.

In a world where there is no right or wrong, best or better, higher or lower powers, you are simply making your way through the maze of choices you make to see what fits your own soul in the way of magnificence.  This way you eliminate the need for compete and compare from every angle and let yourself simply accept that each soul is the reflection of perfection in any shape or form it takes.

If you peeled off the limiting thoughts and feelings you are holding onto, you would be a whole new being.  Imagine being yourself, being real, being kind, being abundant, being awake and aware . . . the possibilities are endless.  I think that is what love is trying to teach us one savoury step at a time. Hold the vision of all your limitations as a banana peel that you can unzip from top to bottom and step out of . . . .

Let me know what you experience with this vision!

Peel= taking off what no longer fits & shifts
Appeal= seeking what benefits & blesses you
Repeal= releasing old personal rules & laws

Compassionate Conversations

Rainbow Warriors

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: reminds us that after all of the gatherings and celebrations we have been attending, are we feeling like we were heard?  like we made a difference?  that we contributed something special to the lives of others?

At this point in our evolutionary journey, we must focus diligently on the energy we are contributing to the sum of the whole.  If the conversation you are engaged in is not uplifting, encouraging or inspiring towards self and others, then it is an opportunity for you to elevate the energy by turning the focus towards a more loving direction.

It is easy to get caught up in dialogues that repeat the old patterns of criticism, humiliation or just plain judgment, but we are in a place of knowing better now, so it is time to do better, and then ultimately our whole world will be better.  This process takes courage, for many are still stuck in their rut of victim or needing to be right.  Be gentle in your redirection of their focus, and see how easily you can become the leader of our new world of peace instead of a follower in the old world of war.

COMPLIMENTARY= help others see their sacred side
ENCOURAGING= support the growth of soul self & others
UPLIFTING= take the focus to a new and higher awareness
INSPIRING= show others how much better it feels

And A Little Child Shall Lead Them Home

Maternal Blessings

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: brings home the truth about ourselves and our loved ones when it comes to gifts and giving.  This year for Christmas, we decided to provide our grandchildren with newer updated toys for when they come to visit.  They had reached the age where the other toys were too young and therefore not inspiring for them to play with when they come to visit.

Our idea of not giving them directly to the kids was so they would not feel they had to take them home after opening them on Christmas Eve.  That would be a very hard thing for them to understand, so we came up with a plan to gift them to each other.  I gave Grampa a box containing 5 sets of lego blocks that would inspire hours of creative play and interaction with all his grandkids – and Grampa gave me a box filled with 8 different barbie dolls complete with extra clothes and accessories.

How did we know, that this would be a disappointment to the grandkids!  They looked at their usual gift of pyjamas and slippers along with a stuffed animal puppy to enjoy cuddling as they went home to get ready for Santa, and said ‘Is that all there is?”  This was an unexpected disappointment on both sides.  We were sure they would appreciate all the new things that they could experience when they came to visit us – but they were looking at what they would be taking home and their eyes said it all.

So in my conversation with Source before bed, I asked – ‘Why are we always such a disappointment to our children and grandchildren?”  And the unexpected answer came back – ” Now you know how I feel.  I answer prayers, assist recoveries, inspire blessings and a multitude of other miraculous events to all of my beloved creations, and they still seem to be searching for more . . . and some are even disappointed with what they got.”

DISAPPOINTMENT= not receiving what we thought we deserved
DISCOURAGEMENT= feeling we will never get what we deserve
DISPARAGEMENT= not understanding what we truly desire