Thanks Giving Blessing


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: brings an abundance of blessings to each and every soul that celebrates the love of friends and family.  There are so many ways we can bring a greater level of peace and prosperity to the world we live in.  The purpose of a soul journey is to receive as much as you give along the road of life challenges.

To love one must first embody that love.  To live one must first embrace the ability to live fully from the heart and to be happy, which requires that we learn to accept and respect each other just the way we are.  So when you say Happy Thanks Giving to friends who live in the USA, trust that you are also saying I am filled with so much happiness, thankfulness and forgiveness, that I can share it all around the world.

HAPPINESS= the one thing we must all achieve from within
THANKFULNESS= the many blessings we are able to acknowledge
FORGIVENESS= the infinite ways we are able to share the love & light of creation

Change Your Own Nuclear Reactor!

Seeking The Shadow

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: sends a clear message to challenge us to shift to the next level of creation called co-creation.  At this level, we are able to manifest more clearly and easily than ever before.  The concept of conscious creation is moving through the collective and resetting everyones energy to a higher level of potential.

From this time forward, you will be shown how to take the information that is being shown to you or told to you and move it through the inner filter or reactor in a very different way. Instead of ‘reacting’ we will be slowing down our processing to create a more loving response.  This enables us to take what we feel is true, necessary, valid or essential to our well being and ‘respond’ in a loving way.

It is not about everything and everyone being in agreement!  It is about each and every heart being in alignment with a more peaceful way of living and being. In the past fear and judgment were the vibrational energies that entered into our hearts and minds and made us defensive, aggressive or abusive.  By taking the extra time and using your divine filter of patience, tolerance and forgiveness, you will rise above adversity and begin to celebrate diversity!  This is the new level of Divine Soul University, where we learn unconditional love.

ADVERSITY= the potential for conflict and chaos
DIVERSITY= the potential for a broad spectrum of options and opportunity
UNIVERSITY= the potential for all to honour and respect/accept every aspect of creation

Your Personal Legacy

Spring Solstice

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: asks us to think back to those that have gone before us and focus on what we remember most about them.  Was it their kindness, their deeds, their possessions or their love?  Each generation leaves a legacy of life lessons for the ones that remain, and it is important for us to be respectful of their choices as we in turn make our own.

Each challenge that we face in life is an opportunity to make sure that we are in a place of integrity and alignment with our souls purpose.  Sometimes that requires us to do or say things that may feel unloving, kind or fair, but at the end of the journey we will realize that it was actually a necessary blessing in disguise.  The need to judge or fear our loved ones must evolve if we are going to transcend the old ways and give birth to the new reality of heaven on earth.

With all of the challenges we are going through, have gone through and potentially will go through, what is the ONE THING we want people to remember about us?  Making this choice and decision, may affect the very core of our being and shift things back into alignment that have been out of balance for many generations.  Never be afraid to ask yourself ‘what is my best quality, and how can it help me here’.

PAST= the illusions of many generations and lifetimes of unloving research
PRESENT= the reality of what we are facing and clearing today that improves tomorrow
FUTURE= the consciousness of mankind returning to balance and order aligned to love