A Message Of Hope From Our Families Of Light

Union Ceremony


You are but a drop of light in the cosmic pond
But from this minute state you create a powerful bond
The universal flow of love and light
Dwells within your heart and soul both day and night

The stream of love and power flow through who you are
And reflect the infinite power of a cosmic star
Where inside there is such a huge connection
That guides you with the source of clear direction

This river that flows through all that is created
Is how our souls and systems are related
We each reflect creation that is quite diverse
And yet we each contain the entire universe

The more we feel the differences we posses
The more we know the truth that we confess
Within us there is something so sacred and divine
That keeps us reuniting throughout time

When we wake up and remember who we are
There is a moment when kindred spirits from afar
Embrace us as the lost and fallen ones
Their soul sisters and forgotten sacred sons

Now that we are fully awake and aware
We can trust that we must open up and share
The wisdom and the knowledge we have gained
And all the reasons we have still remained

Humanity has a true purpose on this earth
As we inspire growth and a grand rebirth
The sleep of love and light is almost done
When we wake up and realize we are one

We are the simple spark in a cosmic pond
The endless river of love and light from far beyond
That flows through our feelings of pure emotion
And fills the universal flow of every ocean

We are the sacred children of the light
Who journeyed through the shadows of the night
Now waking up and seeing a new dawn
As all the war and judgments days are gone.

Donna Hamilton October 11, 2013

Face Your Fear ~ Feel The Freedom

Face Your Fear

TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: inspires us to continue to take a close look at whatever fear may still be stirring up the internal vibrations of our soul self.  This is an important part of shedding way old patterns, programs and habits.  Our fears are designed to help us discover where we are out of balance and ultimately out of sorts.

Facing your fear can take a lot of courage – but that is the point of it all, to discover just how much courage you have.  The challenging part of courage is – it only works if you use it!  At some point you must learn to trust if fear is standing right in front of you, it is not to deny you your blessings, but to challenge you to allow them into your life.  As long as you resist your blessings, you will not benefit from them.

FACE= the art of owning and accepting your inner feelings
FEAR= the shadow side of self that likes to challenges us to grow
FAITH= the fearless side that steps in to set us free
FREEDOM= the ultimate reward of blessings & benefits that courage brings



TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the simple power of attitude and how it can make your life more stable, or create a little more chaos if you are not quite done with learning from it.

Each part of your inner processing allows you to carry the images of your beliefs forward into manifesting experiences that support it. If you believe life is meant to be difficult and hard in order to be worthwhile, then shazzam – you get to be right.

If on the other hand you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, you can begin to shift your perception to a simpler form of manifestation that creates helpful insights that uplift and carry you forward in a complimentary way.

DARE= believe in peace on earth even though others do not
DESPAIR= leave the past behind and create a new reality to share
DECLARE= receive a new perspective that sees life as precious and powerful with everything working out to benefit you.