Consciously Creating Love

Inner Alchemy


When we think kind, fair, & truthful thoughts, our feelings respond with trust faith & belief.

Thinking unkind, unfair, untrue thoughts, our feelings respond with doubt fear & worry.

The challenge comes when we choose to ignore our source of information and deny how we feel about it.  This leads to further experiences where we are simply repeating the past and limiting our future to more of the same.

When our energy focus is occupied in the past with guilt, shame and blame, we end up reflecting it into our future without consciously understanding why our life is so difficult.

To embrace the now moment is the only way to shift our reality to a better one.  One where we are focused on what we choose to think about and how we choose to feel about ourselves in our current circumstances. Doing your best is always enough without the expectation of perfection as a standard to achieve.

DIVINE LOVE= the full acceptance of all that is as being loveable no matter what
CONDITIONAL LOVE = the stories and excuses we use to justify our unhappiness
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE = the expansion of our ability to love self and others to the fullest extent of our willingness to allow it.

Remember Your Dreams & Visions

Dreams & Visions


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares the importance of remembering your dreams and visions.  We are entering the energetic field of potential where all things are possible.  As you hold the pieces of your karmic puzzle up for review, it is easy to begin to see how they all fit together and allow you to understand yourself more fully.

The clearer your dreams are, the more in touch with your feelings you are.  This is an important key to the overall success of your personal journey.  When you are no longer afraid of what you see, but begin to observe your actions and reactions in a way that says please tell me or teach me what I need to know about myself that will enhance my life and how I live it.

The dream and the dreamer are one and the same.  Each facet of your dream is being reflected through your awareness to show you something you may be missing or denying that will help you heal or grow.  These are keys to the cosmic puzzle that is you becoming consciously aware of your own power and greatness without the need to be afraid or judgmental about what that means.

DREAMS= unconscious truths being revealed
VISIONS= inspiration from your inner spirit to help guide you
IMAGES= a way of finding pieces to your cosmic puzzle
MESSAGES= the voice from within that speaks your own truth

Continue reading “Remember Your Dreams & Visions”

Blue Moon Alignment

Blue Moon Alignment
TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: shares a revelation of essence and energy merging together into one whole light.  This phase of the moon is announcing the final stages of our inner being aligning itself to the source of creation in a whole new way.

When we are fully aligned to our truth, the reality of how we are living our life and sharing the journey with others opens our eyes to a greater awareness of love.  We are expanding our capacity to love beginning with self love and radiating out from there like a personal pebble in the cosmic pond of light.  We are radiant beings when fully activated.

CROWN CHAKRA=  female aligns perception to seeing the truth, male aligns intentions to being  truthful
THROAT CHAKRA= female aligns to hearing the truth, male aligns to speaking the truth
HEART CHAKRA= female aligns self love truth,, male aligns to truth about loving others
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA= female aligns to accepting her true feelings, male aligns to acknowledging others true feelings
SACRUM CHAKRA= female aligns to manifesting true passion, male aligns to true purpose
ROOT CHAKRA= female aligns to facing truth fearlessly, male aligns to truly free