Accepting The Present

Gift Of LoveTODAY’S LIFE LESSON: share the in-sights of the soul and reveals a wonderful phenomenon that is unfolding.  The soul self is now fully awake and aware that the changes taking place are making a significant difference in the overall state of being.  Each day offers the full potential and possibilities for you to consider as you are now focusing on the expansion of your soul in a new direction.

The gift of life is one of the few things that can only be opened in the present.  In other words, you must be fully inside the moment – inside your soul self – aware of the  gift that is present for you to open.  That gift is your heart.  One of creations finest gifts that is designed to be accessed only in the present moment.  It cannot reopen the past – it cannot  guarantee it will be open in the future for that depends completely on your willingness to allow it in each and every moment.

This amazing gift is pre-sent by your soul into the now moment for you to discover and experience by simply allowing it to be opened.  Love is the content of that present in the present.  When love is fully opened it blesses not only the soul who has the courage to open it, but those that are the recipients of such love that radiates around you.

PRESENT= the current moment you are experiencing right now
PRESENT= the gift that is life waiting to be fully open to love and the living light
PRE-SENT= the gift of each moment that presents you with endless love

Removing The Armour

Remove The Armor


TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: challenges us to consider that it may be time to remove the armour and get on with the AMOURE that is bursting forth from within our hearts.  When we have our hearts shielded, protected, blocked or otherwise unavailable to experience life through, we are in a state of unconsciousness.

Although most who have dedicated their lives to living a new way, or to be more open and honest with themselves and others would tend to say their heart is open . . . if there are still moments of deep sadness, defensiveness or distress then the answer would be maybe not.  We tend to think that some form of protection is the best way to make sure we are not getting hurt or harmed.  The fact is by setting something up between the universal flow of love and light and your inner divine light only causes confusion.

There is no greater power than love.  Love does not need defending or protecting, it simply needs the unconditional flow of your willingness to allow it.  At first the feelings of vulnerability will rise up and challenge you to trust this is true.  Your fear of being mistreated or misunderstood will swirl around in your energy field looking for excuses or reasons to doubt this truth.  But in the end trust – the truth is love will always prevail.

HEART= the inner domain of Source Energy
HURT= the illusion that we are not safe or secure if we love whole heartedly
HEAL= the reconstruction of your heart and hurt through unconditional love

The Galactic Warrior

Galactic Warrior

 TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: invites the inner warrior to step up and be present for the next few days.  Our Galactic Warrior is the one who stands guard over our minds and hearts while we take time to review the path we are on and reconnect to what matters.

If you have been distracted by all of the global activities that can make it feel we are not succeeding or arriving at the heaven on earth place, then you are not alone.  It is truly a challenge to hold the vision of a better world when we are witnessing the very opposite of what we are praying for.  Inside every soul is the warrior who knows how to take a stand and powerfully represent the universal light of truth.

Spend some time in meditation and reflection of how your own inner battles are waging war on your soul.  This is the most important job we can do right now, is to occupy our own energy field in a peaceful way.  Visualize peace, sense the importance of peace, release anything that you are holding onto that may contradict your belief in peace and you will contribute one of the most precious of all gifts to humanity.

PEACE= a place where equality honours each and every soul unconditionally
POWER= an energy we can choose to embody that is loving, kind, fair and true
PATIENCE= the greatest test for those who no longer choose to judge or fear
PROGRESS= the ultimate blessing that comes from learning our life lessons