TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: In my morning meditation time I like to go to my Sacred Sanctuary within and review what life is trying to teach me or show me for the day.  Today was a very special day as I found myself asking to be shown the book in my Akashic records that contains the things I hold inside that are related to GUILT, SHAME and BLAME.  I have recently felt that the major source of my excess weight was related to my instinctive reaction to everything and everyone as being somehow either my responsibility, or my fault if things were not in alignment or in a happy place.  My intention was to have a good look at the book to see where I could complete my research and let go of the need to feel bad, or sorry, or guilty for what I had said or done.

Imagine my surprise when I asked Source to reveal the book to me and ALL OF THE BOOKS FLEW OFF THE SHELF and landed all around me.  It seems that I have been feeling things are all my fault since time began.  That is a lot of guilt, shame and blame to embody!  So the answer to my prayer was laying all around me and the need to shed the burden of how that ‘weighs heavy’ on my soul became crystal clear.  If I am blaming myself for everything that has happened then it means others are now left holding onto the illusion of nothing is their responsibility.  Well that does not help either one of us clear the karma, or complete the life lesson.

So I began to release any and all attachments to the past events: traumas, dramas and anyone related to what I experienced or how I contributed to the issue or situation.  I took responsibility for my part and held it up to the light of creation saying thank you for the experience and I am grateful for all those who contributed and participated in my life lessons so I could learn them . . . the books started to fade away but not disappear.  What was left on the floor was a rainbow of colours that Source calls wisdom.  I was able to retain wha t I had learned, but release what I went through to learn it.  The light got brighter and brighter and then all of a sudden the Akashic record shelves were filled with REVISED EDITIONS of my life and my lessons.  What is held there now is what I have been blessed with out of all the lessons through time and history.  I new sense of purpose, and a wonderful sense of peace.

GUILT= those moments we believe everything this is our FAULT instead of our choice.
SHAME= the feeling that comes with believing in the illusion of FAILURE
BLAME= when we need to reflect the focus away from what we FEAR in ourselves and others