TODAY’S LIFE LESSON: celebrates the awakening of a new season of life.  It brings with it the hopes and dreams of a better time for humanity and the world as it revolves around the collective vision we all hold together.  May the fear of what is happening and unfolding find a place to fade away in the extra hours of sunlight and may the shadows we have been living in grow smaller in the wake of greater light.

The power of the sun and moon are instilled within our hearts and souls and each time there is a cycle of life brought into our experience we renew our efforts and intentions to make this a better world.  We live in a time when the focus is on solving the problems, focusing on the problems and desperately seeking solutions to our problems – that time must end if we are to learn how to co-create a world that is not an endless reflection of the concept of PROBLEMS.

We must find a way to hold our eyes, our hearts and our intentions of forgiveness of what has been while we intend a better way of being . . . a brighter form of life and how we live it.  Our collective challenge is to hold the vision of this new reality long enough to manifest it as our truth and primary focus.  The idea that each ISSUE we face is a huge mountain instead of a simple step is what keeps us feeling small and living in limitations.

Our CHALLENGES were not meant to define us in an endless parade of difficulties, but to be an inspiration for us to grow, evolve and expand our awareness of the endless possibilities.  Somewhere along the way we forgot the point of the research and experiments.  We are meant to rise higher, dig deeper, grow wiser and live larger than any form of LIMITATION.  Once we wake up to the idea that this is even possible . . . the tide will turn and the season of hope will bloom.


PROBLEMS= when we see our world through this illusion – everything is more difficult and hard work.
ISSUES= the memories we hold onto that repeat our fears or judgments until we let them go.
CHALLENGES= the testing of our spirit to rise up and move to a higher perspective to see things clearly.
LIMITATIONS= the illusions we put in front of ourselves to slow us down and keep us small until we are ready to grow.